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Submitting a job

In a flexible management environment, we can submit jobs to remote nodes to manage applications, modify WAS configuration on remote machines, or do a general purpose task such as run a script. We can specify when the jobs start, whether they are recurring, and when they expire.

Before we can submit a job, have registered at least one node with the job manager. A node can be an application server node that was first registered with an administrative agent or a dmgr node. Your ID at the job manager must be authorized for the administrator role or the operator role to submit jobs. When you submit a job, we can specify a user name and password for authentication and authorization at the target node or nodes. If we do not provide a user name and password in the job parameters, the credentials for the job submitter at the job manager are used for this purpose.

When you submit a job to multiple target nodes, the user name and password or the credentials for the submitter must be applicable to all of the job targets.

We can simplify administration of a large number of nodes by submitting jobs against groups of nodes. Each group of nodes represents a group of nodes. Before we can submit a job for a group of nodes, have created the group of nodes.

Use the admin console of the job manager to submit jobs to do tasks such as manage applications, modify the product configuration on remote workstations, or do general purpose tasks such as run a script. To complete the job submission, choose the type of job, choose the nodes on which you want the job to run, specify the job parameters that are specific to the job type, schedule the job, review the summary, and submit the job.


  1. Click Jobs > Submit from the navigation tree of the job manager admin console.

  2. Choose the job type.

    1. Select the job type from the list.

      The list of job types varies based on the nodes that we have registered with the job manager. The values displayed in the list are retrieved from the getJobTypes and getJobTypeMetadata commands of the AdminTask object. We can have job types that manage applications, modify the product configuration on remote machines, or do general purpose tasks such as run a script.

    2. Optionally specify a description of the job.

      The description is a string that can be up to 256 characters. The default description is the job type. We can change or add to the default description. The description is useful when using the Find option to view existing jobs.

    3. Click Next.

  3. Choose the job targets.

    we are determining the nodes on which you want the job to run.

    1. Select a group of nodes from the list, or select Node name.

      Only groups of nodes that are valid for the job type that you selected are displayed in the list of groups of nodes.

    2. If we selected Node name, then enter a node name, and click Add, or compile a list of nodes by using the Find option.

      Node name that you enter

      If we enter a node name, it must be a node that has been registered to the job manager. The node name is validated when you click Next.

      List of node names

      1. Click Find.

        The Find nodes panel is displayed.

      2. To run the Find operation on specific keywords, specify a valid operator and a text string.

        The list of keywords is dynamic. Valid operators are = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null. The text string can be complete or partial and can contain an asterisk (*) to include variable or unknown characters.

      3. Click Find.

        The results are displayed in the Available nodes list and are selected.

      4. Move nodes between the Available nodes list and the Chosen nodes list.

        • To move specific nodes from the Available nodes list to the Chosen nodes list, select nodes in the Available nodes list and click >.

        • To move specific nodes from the Chosen nodes list to the Available nodes list, select nodes in the Chosen nodes list and click <.

      5. After we have a list of the desired nodes in the Chosen nodes list, click OK.

        The nodes display on the Choose job targets panel.

    3. Click Next.

  4. Specify the job parameters. The list of job parameters is dynamic and based on the job type. For example, if the job type is to install an application, you would specify the application name, the location of the application to install, and optionally the name of the server where the system installs the application.

    When you submit a job to multiple target nodes, the parameter values must be applicable to all of the job targets.

    The following table describes the types of parameters.

    Parameter Type Description
    String We can enter text for the appropriate parameters. The text is not validated until the job is submitted.
    Node resource We can select a node resource. The Find option is available for you to search for the resource, depending on the job type that you selected in the first step.

    1. Optionally click Find if it is available.

      The Find node resources panel is displayed.

    2. To run the Find operation on specific keywords, specify a valid operator and a text string.

      The list of keywords is dynamic. Valid operators are = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null. The text string can be complete or partial and can contain an asterisk (*) to include variable or unknown characters.

    3. Click Find.

      The results are displayed in the Available resources common to all selected endpoints list.

    4. Click OK to save the results and return to the panel on specifying job parameters.

    5. Click Next.

  5. Schedule the job.

    The times and dates that you specify are relative to the job manager.

    1. Optionally specify one or more e-mail addresses where notifications are sent when the job is done.

      If we specify multiple e-mail addresses, separate them by commas. The e-mail addresses are saved in the console preferences. Each e-mail address is validated for format errors.

    2. Select when the job is available for submission.

      We can submit the job to be available now, or specify a time and date that the job is retrieved from the job manager.

    3. Select the job expiration.

      The job expiration is the time at which the job will no longer be available for nodes to run. Use the default expiration, specify a time and date for the job expiration, or specify an amount of time in which the job expires. The default expiration is defined on the Job manager configuration panel.

    4. Optionally specify a recurring interval for the job, a start date and time for the interval, and an end date and time for the interval.

    5. Click Next.

  6. Review the summary, and submit the job.

    1. To make changes to the options, click Previous until you reach the panel to change. Make the correction on that panel, and then proceed through the panels until you reach the Summary and submit panel.

    2. When we are satisfied with the options, click Finish to submit the job.

      The Job status collection panel is displayed where only the status for the job that you submitted is displayed.



Depending on the type of job that you selected, we have submitted a job to manage applications, modify WAS configuration on remote machines, or do a general purpose task such as run a script.


Next steps

We can check the job status or submit other jobs.

Find node resources


Related concepts

Job manager


Related tasks

Administer nodes using the job manager
Administer groups of nodes for the job manager
Check job status



Administrative job types
Find nodes