Check job status



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Use the Job Status collection to monitor jobs

Jobs | Status

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After you finish submitting a job through the Job Submission wizard, the Job status collection panel is displayed. When this panel is displayed, the panel contains only the job that you submitted along with its status information. We can check the status of the job, the status of job at its nodes, and the job history of the nodes.


Use the Find option to display a set of jobs

Use the Find option to limit the number of jobs that are displayed based. The first time you access the Job status collection, no jobs are listed. You must enter parameters for the Find option to obtain a list of jobs based on the parameter information that you provide. The next time you select Jobs | Status, a list of jobs is displayed based on the parameters you last specified on the Find option


Check the status of a job at its nodes.

  1. Select Jobs > Status in the console navigation to access the Job status collection panel if we did not get to the panel as a result of a job submission.

  2. Select either a job from the Job ID column or a number on the graph in the Status Summary column for a particular job. The graph is divided in up to four sections, indicating success, partial success, failure, or other, in that order, of the nodes in the job.

  3. Optionally use the Find option to display the status of specific job nodes based on the parameter information that you enter.

    1. To run the Find operation on specific parameters, specify an operator and a text string as appropriate.

    2. Click Find.

A list of nodes for the job, along with the status for each node, are displayed on the Job status detail panel.


Check the job history of nodes.

  1. Select Jobs | Status in the job manager admin console navigation to access the Job status collection panel if we did not get to the panel as a result of a job submission.

  2. Select either a job from the Job ID column or a number on the graph in the Status Summary column for a particular job. The graph is divided in up to four sections, indicating success, partial success, failure, or other, in that order, of the nodes in the job.

  3. On the Job status detail panel, click a link in the Status column for one of the nodes names.

  4. Optionally use the Find option to display job history based on the parameter information that you enter.

    1. To run the Find operation on specific parameters, specify an operator and a text string as appropriate.

    2. Click Find.

The status of the job for the node is displayed on the Job status history panel.

  • Suspend a job.

    1. Select Jobs > Status in the job manager admin console navigation to access the Job Status Collection if we did not get to the panel as a result of a job submission.

    2. Select the check box next to a job with an active or pending state.

    3. Click Suspend.


    Resume a job.

    1. Select Jobs > Status in the job manager admin console navigation to access the Job status collection panel if we did not get to the panel as a result of a job submission.

    2. Select the check box next to a job whose state is Suspended.

    3. Click Resume.


    Delete a job.

    1. Select Jobs > Status in the job manager admin console navigation to access the Job status collection panel if we did not get to the panel as a result of a job submission.

    2. Select the check box next to the job to delete.

    3. Click Delete.



    We might have run a Find operation to display job status based on criteria specified, checked the status of jobs at their nodes, checked the jobs history of nodes, suspended a job, resumed a job, or deleted a job.


    Next steps

    We can continue to check job status and do other job management tasks such as submit other jobs, create node groups for job submission, view node resources, or view nodes.

    Job status collection


    Related concepts

    Job manager


    Related tasks

    Administer nodes using the job manager
    Administrative roles



    Job status detail settings
    Job status history settings