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Available resources

To select configured resources to bind to the resource references of the enterprise beans or web modules in the application.

To view this admin console page:

  1. Click Applications > Application Types > Websphere enterprise apps > application_name.

  2. Click the link for any of these resource configuration pages:

  3. Locate the table row of the EJB or web module to map to a different resource.

  4. Within the row, locate the JNDI name of the resource that is currently bound to the EJB or web module.

  5. Click Browse.

    You now see Available resources.

Each table row corresponds to a resource that we can bind to the enterprise bean or web module.


Select the resource to bind to the resource reference of the module.

JNDI name

The Java™ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of the resource to bind to the resource reference of the module.

Data type String


The scope of the resource. Note that this admin console page displays only resources that are configured for a scope at which the application operates.


The text description of the resource.


Related tasks

Set a resource reference