Managing portlets on a page
The Portlet Palette provides you with a collection of portlets
that you can drag to the page for quick and easy page customization.
You can organize and group the portlets available to you for deployment
from your collection through the use of categories. Categories provide you
with a way to organize your portlets using your own classification scheme.
You can create new categories for grouping and organizing portlets in your
collection, and you can rename categories as appropriate. You can customize
the Portlet Palette further by rearranging categories, adding portlets to
categories, and by moving portlets from one category to another. You can also
search by title for portlets of interest. You can apply these customizations
to your individual instance of the Portlet Palette or change the settings
to affect all or selected instances of the Portlet Palette as needed.
The Portlet Palette is designed to work in the fly-out palette. Adding
the Portlet Palette to a page could result in undesired results.
When working with the Portlet Palette, keep
the following tips in mind:
- You should be logged in to the portal site using
an ID with sufficient access rights to modify a page. Access control for customizing
and working with the Portlet Palette is based on portlet roles, portlet modes,
and page permissions. The portlets available to you are also filtered by any
restricted portlet lists that exist for a page.
- The drag-and-drop feature is present for default
portal themes in rows and containers that are not locked.
- Entries in the Portlet Palette could become
obsolete. For example, when an administrator deletes a portlet from the portal
while a user is creating or editing pages, the user may not be aware of these
updates. A user must log out and log back in to the portal to view the changes
made by the administrator. If a user attempts to drag a portlet from the
Portlet Palette when the portlet no longer exists, a message is recorded to
the portal logs. Although this is a rare situation, administrators should
not remove and add portlets during normal business hours.
To begin customizing the Portlet Palette and adding portlets to the page,
open the Portlet Palette.
- Adding portlets to a page
The Portlet Palette provides you with a quick and easy way to deploy portlets to the page. You can drag a single portlet or multiple portlets within the same category to the page. Categories provide you with a way to organize portlets in the Portlet Palette. It is recommended that you only add portlets to the page using the drag-and-drop feature from the Portlet Palette.
- Accessible alternative for adding a portlet to a page
A mouse is required to use the drag-and-drop feature of your portal. Alternatively, you can use your keyboard to add portlets to a page as an accessible alternative to dragging portlets from the Portlet Palette to the page.
- Rearranging portlets on a page
You can change the placement of individual portlets on a page using the drag-and-drop feature of your portal. The drag-and-drop feature is present for all themes and for row and column containers that are not locked. You should be logged into the portal site using an ID with sufficient access rights to modify a page.
- Accessible alternatives for rearranging portlets on a page
A mouse is required to use the drag-and-drop feature of your portal. Alternatively, you can use your keyboard to rearrange portlets on a page as an accessible alternative to dragging portlets to a new destination on the page.
- Restricting the movability of portlets on a page
You can define widths for containers. You can use this feature to restrict the possibility for users to move portlets on a page. The portal provides this functionality by a portlet placement filter or width filter. This width filter compares width of a portlet to the width of a column container. If the width of the portlet is larger than that of the container, the portlet cannot be moved to this container.
- Creating a category
Categories provide you with a way to organize your portlets using your own classification scheme. You can create new categories for grouping and organizing portlets in your collection.
- Searching for portlets
You can search for a portlet in the Portlet Palette by entering part or all of the portlet title in the Search field. The search is not case-sensitive, and only portlets where you have the correct permissions are displayed in your search results.
- Limiting search results
The number of search results is limited by a configuration parameter which can be changed by the administrator. The default value limits the search results to 100.
- Rearranging categories in the Portlet Palette
You can rearrange a category by dragging the category to a new destination in the Portlet Palette.
- Moving portlets to another category
You can drag a copy of a portlet from one category to another category to customize the Portlet Palette. A portlet is not removed from the original category when you move this portlet to another category. When you drag a portlet to another category, you can only move this portlet to one category at a time. You can also add a copy of a portlet to multiple categories at one time by accessing the drop-down menu by the portlet name in the category.
- Copying a portlet to multiple categories
You can add a copy of a portlet in a category to multiple categories at one time if you have the proper access level. If you only need to add a copy of a portlet to a single category, you can simply drag a copy of the portlet to the appropriate category. A portlet is not removed from the original category when you add a copy of this portlet to multiple categories.
- Renaming a category in a palette
Default categories are provided to you in the Portlet Palette. Depending on your access level, you can customize your Portlet Palette by renaming these categories and categories you later create to provide the best organizational scheme for portlets in your Portlet Palette.
- Set the category titles for other languages
When you rename a category in the Portlet Palette, you have the option to edit the category names for other languages.
- Resetting the Palette to the default settings
You can return the Portlet Palette to the default settings currently maintained by your administrator. Resetting the Portlet Palette to use the current administrator settings removes any customizations you have made.
You can delete a category in the Portlet Palette as needed if you have the proper access level.
You can delete a portlet from a category in the Portlet Palette as needed.
- Modifying Palette settings
You can change the settings to affect all instances of the Portlet Palette on every page or selected instances of the Portlet Palette by selecting a different portlet mode. When you initially open the Portlet Palette, you are either in the View or Personalize mode depending on your access level.
- Access control for the Palette
Access control for customizing and working with the Portlet Palette is based on portlet roles, portlet modes, and page permissions. By default, users are assigned to the All Authenticated Portal Users role which only provides read access to the Portlet Palette. Users will only see portlets on the Portlet Palette that they have user access to view.
Parent topic: Administering WebSphere Portal Express
Related concepts
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Browser behavior and scenarios
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Managing portlets and portlet applications
Creating pages
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Using WSRP services
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Related tasks
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Managing pages
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Related reference
Related information
Users and groups
layout, content, and appearance of pages. It also provides the Wires portlet, which allows users to set up connections between cooperative portlets on a page, and the Locks portlet, which allows users to lock and unlock containers and container content. You can configure the settings for these portlets to show a certain set of functions, restricting basic users from performing more advanced tasks.">Customizing pages
Portal Search