Copying a portlet to multiple categories
You can add a copy of a portlet in a category to multiple categories
at one time if you have the proper access level. If you only need to add a
copy of a portlet to a single category, you can simply drag a copy of the
portlet to the appropriate category. A portlet is not removed from the original
category when you add a copy of this portlet to multiple categories.
When working with the Portlet Palette, keep
the following tips in mind:
- You should be logged in to the portal site using
an ID with sufficient access rights to modify a page. Access control for customizing
and working with the Portlet Palette is based on portlet roles, portlet modes,
and page permissions. The portlets available to you are also filtered by any
restricted portlet lists that exist for a page.
- The drag-and-drop feature is present for default
portal themes in rows and containers that are not locked.
- Entries in the Portlet Palette could become
obsolete. For example, when an administrator deletes a portlet from the portal
while a user is creating or editing pages, the user may not be aware of these
updates. A user must log out and log back in to the portal to view the changes
made by the administrator. If a user attempts to drag a portlet from the
Portlet Palette when the portlet no longer exists, a message is recorded to
the portal logs. Although this is a rare situation, administrators should
not remove and add portlets during normal business hours.
the following steps:
- Click
to open the Portlet Palette.
- Hover by the portlet name and click on the arrow to display the
pop-up menu.
- Click Add to Other Categories.
- Select the check boxes of the appropriate categories to add the
portlet to these categories.
- Click OK to save your changes.
- Click
to close the Portlet Palette.
Parent topic: Managing portlets on a page