WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Backup and restore on Windows or Linux

Backup and recovery of data files and databases is an essential operation for any business system, particularly for data and applications running in production environments. Create and follow a plan for backing up and recovering data on all tiers of your IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express deployment running on Microsoft Windows or Linux.

Backup and recovery includes the WebSphere Portal Express file system and databases using IBM DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Server Edition. Your backup and recovery plan needs to address each deployment tier: complete system backup for catastrophic failures, backup of middleware such as WebSphere Portal Express and IBM WebSphere Application Server, and backup of individual applications running on the middleware. Backup and recovery can be performed on any or all of these tiers, depending on the needs of your portal deployment.

When you create a backup and recovery plan, consider these general questions:

Attention: Backing up and recovering a WebSphere Portal Express installation includes the WebSphere Application Server runtime environment and all applications deployed on WebSphere Portal Express. However, if applications use remote information sources outside of the WebSphere Portal Express databases and the LDAP directory, you need to consider these remote sources and develop backup and recovery procedures as part of your comprehensive strategy. Note: If you use IBM DB2 for i5/OS™, refer to the backup and recovery information in that section of this IBM WebSphere Portal Express Information Center. While general DB2 information might also apply to DB2 for i5/OS, information such as schema names and specific steps for database backup might be different. For information on backing up and restoring other relational database management systems (RDBMS), refer to the documentation for the particular system.

Parent topic: Administering WebSphere Portal Express Related concepts
Controlling access Browser behavior and scenarios Managing portal resources with policies Managing portlets and portlet applications Creating pages Multiple virtual portals Using WSRP services Backup and restore on i5/OS Related tasks
Changing database passwords that are used by WebSphere Portal Express Managing pages Using portlet wires Managing your site Related reference
Reference Related information
Users and groups Managing portlets on a page layout, content, and appearance of pages. It also provides the Wires portlet, which allows users to set up connections between cooperative portlets on a page, and the Locks portlet, which allows users to lock and unlock containers and container content. You can configure the settings for these portlets to show a certain set of functions, restricting basic users from performing more advanced tasks.">Customizing pages Portal Search
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