Add application components to MobileFirst projects
After we have created and validated application components, we can add them to the project..
Before we add application components, complete the following tasks:
- Create a MobileFirst project with an initial hybrid application. We can only add application components to MobileFirst projects that have been created with an initial hybrid application (See Create MobileFirst projects.)
- Set up new MobileFirst environments that the application components require. If we do not add all the required environments, error messages are displayed when we add application components. (See Set up a new MobileFirst environment for the application.)
Add an environment takes some time before it is deployed. Ensure that the environments we add are deployed before you proceed to the next step.
- Copy the application component files to the download folder. (For information about specifying a download folder, see Configure application component and template preferences.)
Automatic modification of Xcode projects after adding components is currently not supported.
- In the Explorer view in MobileFirst Studio, right-click the application and click Add/Remove Application Component(s). The Add/Remove Application Component(s) window opens.
- From the Application list, select the relevant application.
- Select the check box for each application component to add, and then click Finish.
The selected application components are added to the project. Each application component file is marked with the application component identifier.
Parent topic: Application components