fte:cancel Ant task

Cancels a Managed File Transfer managed transfer or managed call. A managed transfer might have been created using the fte:filecopy or fte:filemove tasks. A managed call might have been created using the fte:call task.


    Required. Specifies the agent to submit the fte:cancel request to. The value is in the form: agentname@qmgrname where agentname is the name of the agent and qmgrname is the name of the queue manager that this agent is directly connected to.

    Optional. The command queue manager to submit the request to. Specify this information in the form qmgrname@host@port@channel, where:

    • qmgrname is the name of the queue manager
    • host is the optional host name of the system where the queue manager is running
    • port is the optional port number that the queue manager is listening on
    • channel is the optional SVRCONN channel to use

    If we omit the host, port, or channel information for the command queue manager, the connection information specified in the command.properties file is used. For more information, see The MFT command.properties file.

    We can use the com.ibm.wmqfte.propertySet property to specify which command.properties file to use. For more information, see com.ibm.wmqfte.propertySet.
    If we do not use the cmdqm attribute, the task defaults to using the com.ibm.wmqfte.ant.commandQueueManager property, if this property is set. If the com.ibm.wmqfte.ant.commandQueueManager property is not set, a connection to the default queue manager, defined in the command.properties file, is attempted. The format of the com.ibm.wmqfte.ant.commandQueueManager property is the same as the cmdqm attribute, that is, qmgrname@host@port@channel.

    Required. Specifies the transfer identifier of the transfer to cancel. Transfer identifiers are generated at the point a transfer request is submitted by both the fte:filecopy and fte:filemove tasks.

    Optional. Specifies the originating user identifier to associate with the cancel request. If the origuser attribute is not used, the task defaults to using the user ID that is used to run the Ant script.


The example sends a fte:cancel request to the command queue manager qm0. The fte:cancel request is targeted at agent1 on queue manager qm1 for the transfer identifier populated by the transfer.id variable. The request is run using the bob user ID.
<fte:cancel cmdqm="qm0@localhost@1414@SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN" 
Parent topic: fteAnt: run Ant tasks in MFT

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