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Use the DISPLAY CLUSQMGR command to display cluster information about queue managers in a cluster.

If we issue this command from a queue manager with a full repository, the information returned applies to every queue manager in the cluster. Otherwise the information returned applies only to the queue managers in which it has an interest. That is, every queue manager to which it has tried to send a message and every queue manager that holds a full repository.

The information includes most channel attributes that apply to cluster-sender and cluster-receiver channels. In addition, the following attributes can be displayed:

    The cluster-receiver channel name for the queue manager.

    The date at which the definition became available to the local queue manager.

    What clusters the queue manager is in.

    The time at which the definition became available to the local queue manager.

    How the queue manager was defined. DEFTYPE can be one of the following values:

      A cluster sender-channel has been administratively defined on the local queue manager but not yet recognized by the target queue manager. To be in this state the local queue manager has defined a manual cluster-sender channel but the receiving queue manager has not accepted the cluster information. This may be due to the channel never having been established due to availability or to an error in the cluster-sender configuration, for example a mismatch in the CLUSTER property between the sender and receiver definitions. This is a transitory condition or error state and should be investigated.

      This value represents an automatically discovered cluster queue manager, no cluster-sender channel is defined locally. This is the DEFTYPE for cluster queue managers for which the local queue manager has no local configuration but has been informed of. For example

      • If the local queue manager is a full repository queue manager it should be the DEFTYPE value for all partial repository queue managers in the cluster.
      • If the local queue manager is a partial repository, this could be the host of a cluster queue that is being used from this local queue manager or from a second full repository queue manager that this queue manager has been told to work with.

      If the DEFTYPE value is CLUSSDRA and the local and remote queue managers are both full repositories for the named cluster, the configuration is not correct as a locally defined cluster-sender channel must be defined to convert this to a DEFTYPE of CLUSSDRB.

      A cluster sender-channel has been administratively defined on the local queue manager and accepted as a valid cluster channel by the target queue manager. This is the expected DEFTYPE of a partial repository queue manager's manually configured full repository queue manager. It should also be the DEFTYPE of any CLUSQMGR from one full repository to another full repository in the cluster. Manual cluster-sender channels should not be configured to partial repositories or from a partial repository queue manager to more than one full repository. If a DEFTYPE of CLUSSDRB is seen in either of these situations it should be investigated and corrected.

      Administratively defined as a cluster-receiver channel on the local queue manager. This represents the local queue manager in the cluster.

    Note: To identify which CLUSQMGRs are full repository queue managers for the cluster, see the QMTYPE property.

    For more information on defining cluster channels, see Cluster channels.

    Whether it holds a full repository or only a partial repository.

    The status of the cluster-sender channel for this queue manager.

    Whether the queue manager is suspended.

    The version of the IBM MQ installation that the cluster queue manager is associated with. The version has the format VVRRMMFF:

    • VV: Version
    • RR: Release
    • MM: Maintenance level
    • FF: Fix level

    The cluster transmission queue used by the queue manager.

See also the DISPLAY QCLUSTER command. This is briefly described in DISPLAY QUEUE and in the DISPLAY QUEUE and DISPLAY QCLUSTER commands section of Queue definition commands. For examples of using DISPLAY QCLUSTER, search the information set for DISPLAY QCLUSTER and DIS QCLUSTER.

Parent topic: IBM MQ cluster commands

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Last updated: 2020-10-04