Use the MQSC command DISPLAY CLUSQMGR to display information about cluster channels for queue managers in a cluster.
Use MQSC commands
For information on how we use MQSC commands, see Performing local administration tasks using MQSC commands.
We can issue this command from sources CR. For an explanation of the source symbols, see Sources from which we can issue MQSC commands on z/OS .
- Syntax diagram
- Usage notes
- Parameter descriptions for DISPLAY CLUSQMGR
- Requested parameters
- Channel parameters

- 1 Valid only on z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.
- 2 Valid only on z/OS.
- 3 Not valid on z/OS.
Usage notes
Unlike the DISPLAY CHANNEL command, this command includes information about cluster channels that are auto-defined, and the status of cluster channels. Note: On z/OS, the command fails if the channel initiator is not started.Parameter descriptions for DISPLAY CLUSQMGR
- ( generic-qmgr-name )
The name of the
cluster queue manager for which information is to be displayed.
A trailing asterisk
matches all cluster queue managers with the specified stem followed by zero or more characters. An asterisk*
on its own specifies all cluster queue managers. - WHERE
Specify a filter
condition to display only those cluster channels that satisfy the selection criterion of the filter
condition. The filter condition is in three parts: filter-keyword,
operator, and filter-value:
- filter-keyword
- Almost any parameter that can be used to display attributes for this DISPLAY command. However, we cannot use the CMDSCOPE or MCANAME parameters as filter keywords. We cannot use CHANNEL or CLUSTER as filter keywords if we use them to select cluster queue managers.
- operator
- The operators are:
- LT
- Less than
- GT
- Greater than
- EQ
- Equal to
- NE
- Not equal to
- LE
- Less than or equal to
- GE
- Greater than or equal to
- LK
- Matches a generic string that you provide as a filter-value
- NL
- Does not match a generic string that you provide as a filter-value
- CT
- Contains a specified item. If the filter-keyword is a list, we can use CT to display objects the attributes of which contain the specified item.
- EX
- Does not contain a specified item. If the filter-keyword is a list, we can use EX to display objects the attributes of which do not contain the specified item.
- Contains an item which matches a generic string that you provide as a filter-value. If the filter-keyword is a list, we can use CTG to display objects the attributes of which match the generic string.
- Does not contain any item which matches a generic string that you provide as a filter-value. If the filter-keyword is a list, we can use EXG to display objects the attributes of which do not match the generic string.
- filter-value
- The value that the attribute value must be tested against using the operator. Depending on the
filter-keyword, filter-value can be:
- An explicit value, that is a valid value for the attribute being tested.
We can use operators LT, GT, EQ, NE, LE,, or GE only. If the attribute value is a value from a possible set of values, we can use only EQ or NE. For example, the value STARTING on the STATUS parameter.
- A generic value. filter-value is a character string. An example is
ABC*. If the operator is LK, all items where the attribute value
begins with the string, ABC in the example, are listed. If the operator is
NL, all items where the attribute value does not begin with the string are listed.
Only a single trailing wildcard character (asterisk) is permitted.
We cannot use a generic filter-value for parameters with numeric values or with one of a set of values.
- An item in a list of values. The value can be explicit or, if it is a character value, it can be explicit or generic. If it is explicit, use CT or EX as the operator. For example, if the value DEF is specified with the operator CT, all items where one of the attribute values is DEF are listed. If it is generic, use CTG or EXG as the operator. If ABC* is specified with the operator CTG, all items where one of the attribute values begins with ABC are listed.
- An explicit value, that is a valid value for the attribute being tested.
Specify ALL to display all the parameters. If this parameter is
specified, any parameters that are also requested specifically have no effect; all parameters are
still displayed.
ALL is the default if we do not specify a generic name and do not request any specific parameters.
On z/OS ALL is also the default if we specify a filter condition using the WHERE parameter, but on other platforms, only requested attributes are displayed.
- CHANNEL ( generic-name )
- This is optional, and limits the information displayed to cluster channels with the specified channel name. The value can be a generic name.
- CLUSTER ( generic-name )
- This is optional, and limits the information displayed to cluster queue managers with the specified cluster name. The value can be a generic name.
- This parameter applies to z/OS only and specifies
how the command runs when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.
- ''
- The command runs on the queue manager on which it was entered. '' is the default value.
- qmgr-name
- The command runs on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within
the queue sharing group.
We can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which the command was entered. We can enter a different queue manager name, if we are using a queue sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.
- *
- The command runs on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue sharing group. The effect of * is the same as entering the command on every queue manager in the queue sharing group.
We cannot use CMDSCOPE as a filter keyword.
Requested parameters
Specify one or more parameters that define the data to be displayed. The parameters can be specified in any order, but do not specify the same parameter more than once.
Some parameters are relevant only for cluster channels of a particular type or types. Attributes that are not relevant for a particular type of channel cause no output, and do not cause an error.
- The date on which the definition became available to the local queue manager, in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
- The time at which the definition became available to the local queue manager, in the form hh.mm.ss.
How the cluster
channel was defined:
- As a cluster-sender channel from an explicit definition.
- As a cluster-sender channel by auto-definition alone.
- As a cluster-sender channel by auto-definition and an explicit definition.
- As a cluster-receiver channel from an explicit definition.
- The internally generated unique name of the cluster queue manager.
The function of the cluster queue manager
in the cluster:
- Provides a full repository service.
- Does not provide a full repository service.
The status of the
channel for this cluster queue manager is one of the following values:
- The channel was started and is waiting to become active.
- The channel is performing channel negotiation and is not yet ready to transfer messages.
- The channel is not active.
- The channel initiator is attempting to start a channel.
- The channel is either transferring messages at this moment, or is waiting for messages to arrive on the transmission queue so that they can be transferred.
- The channel is stopping, or received a close request.
- A previous attempt to establish a connection failed. The MCA attempts to connect again after the specified time interval.
- The channel is waiting for the message-retry interval to complete before trying an MQPUT operation again.
- This state can be caused by one of the following events:
- Channel manually stopped.
A user entered a stop channel command for this channel.
- The number of attempts to establish a connection reached the maximum number of attempts allowed
for the channel.
No further attempt is made to establish a connection automatically.
A channel in this state can be restarted only by issuing the START CHANNEL command, or starting the MCA program in an operating-system dependent manner.
- Channel manually stopped.
- A local requester channel is requesting services from a remote MCA.
- The channel is switching transmission queues.
- Specifies whether this cluster queue manager is suspended from the cluster or not (as a result of the SUSPEND QMGR command). The value of SUSPEND is either YES or NO.
The version of the IBM MQ installation that the cluster queue manager is associated with.
The version has the format VVRRMMFF:
- VV: Version
- RR: Release
- MM: Maintenance level
- FF: Fix level
- The cluster transmission queue.
Channel parameters
- The date on which the definition or information was last altered, in the form yyyy-mm-dd
- The time at which the definition or information was last altered, in the form hh.mm.ss
- The batch heartbeat value being used.
- Minimum batch duration.
Batch data limit.
The limit of the amount of data that can be sent through a channel.
- Batch size.
- The priority of the channel for the purposes of cluster workload distribution.
- The rank of the channel for the purposes of cluster workload distribution.
- The weighting of the channel for the purposes of cluster workload distribution.
- The list of header data compression techniques supported by the channel.
- The list of message data compression techniques supported by the channel.
- Connection name.
- Specifies whether the sender converts application message data.
- Description.
- Disconnection interval.
- Heartbeat interval.
- KeepAlive timing for the channel.
- Local communications address for the channel.
- Limit of number of attempts to connect using the long duration timer.
- Long duration timer.
- Maximum message length for channel.
Message channel
agent name.
We cannot use MCANAME as a filter keyword.
- Specifies whether the message channel agent runs as a separate process or a separate thread.
- Message channel agent user identifier.
- LU 6.2 mode name.
- Channel message-retry exit user data.
- Channel message-retry exit name.
- Channel message-retry count.
- Channel message-retry time.
- Channel message exit user data.
- Channel message exit names.
- The priority for the network connection.
- Nonpersistent message speed.
- Password for initiating LU 6.2 session (if nonblank, PASSWORD is displayed as asterisks).
- Message property control.
- Put authority.
- Channel receive exit user data.
- Channel receive exit names.
- Channel security exit user data.
- Channel security exit name.
- Channel send exit user data.
- Channel send exit names.
- Sequence number wrap value.
- Limit of number of attempts to connect using the short duration timer.
- Short duration timer.
- Specifies whether TLS client authentication is required.
- Cipher specification for the TLS connection.
- Filter for the Distinguished Name from the certificate of the peer queue manager or client at the other end of the channel.
- Transport type.
- LU 6.2 transaction program name.
- Determines whether the dead-letter queue is used when messages cannot be delivered by channels.
- User identifier for initiating LU 6.2 session.
For more information about channel parameters, see DEFINE CHANNEL Parent topic: MQSC commands