New Version 9.2.0 features for Multiplatforms - base and Advanced entitlement
For Multiplatforms, IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 delivers a number of new features that are available with base product entitlement, and also with Advanced entitlement.
- Active/active messaging
- Extending your network
- Manage IBM MQ
- Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
- Increased level of control to determine how IBM MQ uses available storage
- Version 2 of the REST API
- Enhancements to the administrative REST API
- Host header validation for the IBM MQ Console and REST API
- Updated IBM MQ Console look and feel
- Enhancements to the IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce
- Configurable ephemeral directory
- Userdata directory
- License acceptance after installation on Linux
- More effective integration with WebSphere Liberty
- Developing IBM MQ
- Enhancements to the messaging REST API
- Support for running applications on Microsoft .NET Core
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) shared subscription enhancement
Automatic balancing of a pool of connected applications across a set of available queue managers
- Uniform clusters
- Uniform clusters are a specific pattern of an IBM MQ cluster that provides applications with a highly available and horizontally scaled collection of queue managers. When an application interacts with a uniform cluster as a single group, the queue managers work together to maintain an even balance of application instances across the cluster, including across queue manager maintenance and restarts. Automatic balancing across a set of clustered queue managers is supported for applications written in C, JMS, IBM MQ .NET, and XMS .NET. For more information, see About uniform clusters.
- Single set of configuration files
- A single set of configuration files can be defined once and used to deploy multiple queue managers into the uniform cluster, ensuring the configuration is consistent across them. We have various options to help you configure uniform clusters. We can:
- Apply automatic configuration from an MQSC script at startup.
- Apply automatic configuration from an INI script at startup.
- Use additional qm.ini file stanzas to assist automatic cluster configuration.
- Provide an input file to runmqsc; see Running MQSC commands from text files for more details.
- Application resource monitoring
- We can display the status of one or more applications, and application instances, connected to a queue manager, cluster, or a uniform cluster by using the DISPLAY APSTATUS MQSC command or the Inquire Application Status and Inquire Application Status (Response) PCF commands. This information allows you to monitor and troubleshoot application balancing.
- JSON format client channel definition table
- The JSON format for the client channel definition table (CCDT) gives various improvements over the existing binary format CCDT, including the ability to define duplicate channel definitions of the same name. This is a client-side feature (that is, we need a Version 9.2.0 client, not a Version 9.2.0 queue manager). For more information, see Configure a JSON format CCDT.
IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru
- Inclusion of IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru
- IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru (MQIPT) is a utility that can be used to implement messaging solutions between remote sites across the internet. In Version 9.2.0, MQIPT is a fully-supported optional component of IBM MQ that you can download from IBM Fix Central for IBM MQ. MQIPT has previously been available as support pack MS81.
- Enhanced protection of stored passwords in MQIPT
- From Version 9.2.0, all passwords that are stored in the MQIPT configuration can be protected by encrypting the passwords using the mqiptPW command. Version 9.2.0 also introduces a new, more secure, protection method for passwords that are stored for use by MQIPT, and the ability for you to specify an encryption key that is used to encrypt and decrypt stored passwords. For more information, see Encrypting stored passwords.
Improved administration of MQIPT
- The following new features in MQIPT Version 9.2.0 allow easier and more secure administration of MQIPT using the mqiptAdmin command.
- Local instances of MQIPT can be administered using the mqiptAdmin command without the need for MQIPT to listen on a command port. The mqiptAdmin command must be run under the user ID that was used to start the MQIPT instance. Alternatively, on UNIX and Linux, the root user can be used.
- MQIPT can be configured to authenticate administrative commands received by a command port. If remote command authentication is enabled, users of the mqiptAdmin command must enter the correct access password, specified in the AccessPW property in the MQIPT configuration, whenever an administrative command is issued using a command port.
- MQIPT can be configured to listen for administrative commands using a command port that is secured by TLS. This uses encryption to protect data sent between the mqiptAdmin command and the MQIPT instance being administered, including the access password if MQIPT is configured to require authentication for commands received by the command port. The TLS command port can be configured in addition to the unsecured command port that is available in previous versions of MQIPT.
- A local address can be specified to restrict connections to either the unsecured or the TLS command port to those from a specific network interface. This can be used, for instance, to prevent remote administration of MQIPT, while allowing different users on the local machine to use the command port to administer MQIPT.
For more information about administering MQIPT using the mqiptAdmin command, see Administer MQIPT by using the command line.
Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
- Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 support for a range of protocols
- Version 9.2.0 supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 for a range of protocols. TLS 1.3 can be used for connections between queue managers and for C, C++, IBM MQ classes for Java, and IBM MQ classes for JMS client applications.
- New CipherSpecs for TLS 1.3
- The new CipherSpecs for TLS 1.3 that Version 9.2.0 provides are described in Enable CipherSpecs. (For a list of these CipherSpecs, see the TLS 1.3 CipherSpecs section in Table 1.) All the new CipherSpecs work both with RSA and Elliptic Curve certificates.
- Provision for a list of acceptable TLS CipherSpecs
- From Version 9.2.0, we can provide a custom list of ordered and enabled CipherSpecs that IBM MQ is permitted to use. For more information on how to configure a custom list, see Providing a custom list of ordered and enabled CipherSpecs on Multiplatforms.
- TLS Handshake Transcript
- Version 9.2.0 adds support for the TLS handshake transcript available from the GSKit cryptographic provider. This functionality is available on Distributed platforms that utilize IBM MQ both in the queue manager and client. To view the TLS handshake transcript, GSKit and GSKit trace must be enabled and a TLS handshake must fail. The transcript will then be collected and written out as part of the amqrmppa or client application trace file.
- TLS 1.3 on IBM i
- The availability of TLS 1.3 on IBM MQ is dependent on the availability of TLS 1.3 in the underlying IBM i operating system. For details on what IBM i versions support TLS 1.3 and how to enable it, see System TLS support for TLSv1.3.
Increased level of control to determine how IBM MQ uses available storage
From Version 9.2.0, you have the option of configuring and monitoring queues that will support substantially more than the two terabyte default limit used in releases of IBM MQ prior to Version 9.2.0. You also have the option of reducing the size a queue file can grow to. To enable you to configure queues, there is an additional attribute on local and model queues, MAXFSIZE and to monitor queues there are two additional queue status attributes, CURFSIZE and CURMAXFS. For more information, see Modifying IBM MQ queue files.
Version 2 of the REST API
Version 9.2.0 introduces version 2 of the REST API. This version increase applies to the administrative REST API, messaging REST API, and MFT REST API. This version increase changes the resource URL that is used for the REST API. The URL prefix for the resource URLs at version 2 is the following URL:https://host:port/ibmmq/rest/v2/We can continue to use the version 1 URL for existing applications. Most REST API resources are available in both versions. However, new REST API resources are available only with the version 2 URL. For example, the new publish URL in the messaging REST API is available only with the version 2 URL.
The following REST API resources are not available in version 2:
- GET subscription
- GET channel
- POST queue
- PATCH queue
- GET queue
- DELETE queue
We can use the MQSC resource URL as an alternative to using these version 1 REST API resources.
For more information, see REST API versions.
Enhancements to the administrative REST API
Version 9.2.0 introduces new administrative REST API enhancements with the /admin/action/qmgr/{qmgrName}/mqsc resource. Before Version 9.2.0, this resource could be used to send MQSC commands to a queue manager for processing. Now, we can choose to send the MQSC command to the queue manager, and receive responses, in JSON format instead of the MQSC command format.
For example, before Version 9.2.0 the MQSC command could be sent to the /admin/action/qmgr/{qmgrName}/mqsc resource in the following format:{ "type": "runCommand", "parameters": { "command": "DEFINE CHANNEL(NEWSVRCONN) CHLTYPE(SVRCONN)" }From Version 9.2.0, we can send the command in the following JSON format:{ "type": "runCommandJSON", "command": "define", "qualifier": "channel", "name": "NEWSVRCONN", "parameters": { "chltype": "svrconn" } }From Version 9.2.0, the following enhancements are available with the JSON format MQSC REST API:
- The following commands are now supported:
- DISPLAY CONN(connectionID) TYPE (*)
- Single quotation marks are automatically escaped. You no longer need to use an additional single quotation mark to specify a single quotation mark in an attribute value.
- In the SET POLICY command, the SIGNER and RECIP attributes are now list attributes. Instead of specifying a string value for these attributes, you now use a JSON array. This change enables you to specify multiple values for the SIGNER and RECIP within a single command.
- Enhanced MQSC syntax error checking is now available. When an MQSC syntax error is detected in the JSON input, instead of returning a 200 response and the MQSC error in the response body, a 400 response is returned with a new error message indicating where the syntax error occurred.
For more information about the /admin/action/qmgr/{qmgrName}/mqsc resource and the format of the JSON we can specify in the request body, see POST /admin/action/qmgr/{qmgrName}/mqsc.
Host header validation for the IBM MQ Console and REST API
We can configure the mqweb server to restrict access to the IBM MQ Console and REST API such that only requests that are sent with a host header that matches a specified allowlist are processed. An error is returned if a host header value that is not on the allowlist is used. For more information, see Configure host header validation for the IBM MQ Console and REST API.
Updated IBM MQ Console look and feel
From Version 9.2.0 a new console, with a new look and feel, is available on Multiplatforms. For more information, see Quick tour of the New Web Console.
Enhancements to the IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce
- Changes to tracing and logging on IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce
- Version 9.2.0 introduces additional configuration options that permit two major classes of additional topology, and changes to the way in which tracing and logging work on IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce. For more information, see Additional configuration options for IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce and runmqsfb (run IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce) for details of the changes to this command.
Secure password encryption for IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce
- Version 9.2.0 provides additional security options for the IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce, including options for how passwords are stored. For more information, see runmqsfb (run IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce).
Configurable ephemeral directory
Version 9.2.0 introduces the EphemeralPrefix, which defines the location that data ephemeral to the queue manager should go, such as queue manager operating system sockets, allowing the UNIX domain sockets to be placed on a non-mounted file system in a Red Hat OpenShift environment. For more information, see Configurable ephemeral directory.Note: You do not have to run in Red Hat OpenShift to run in this environment. We have the option to use an alternative ephemeral data directory on all platforms except z/OS, and on the IBM MQ Appliance.
Userdata directory
From Version 9.2.0, the queue manager filestore includes a userdata directory that we can use for storing the persistent state of an application. For more information, see Userdata directory and Storing persistent application status.
License acceptance after installation on Linux
From Version 9.2.0, on Linux, you have the option of accepting the correct license for the enterprise after you install the product. For more information, see License acceptance on IBM MQ for Linux.
More effective integration with WebSphere Liberty
- Message-driven bean problem resolution
- From Version 9.2.0, the maxSequentialDeliveryFailures activation specification property defines the maximum number of sequential message delivery failures to a message-driven bean (MDB) instance that the resource adapter tolerates, before pausing the MDB. For more information, see IBM MQ message-driven bean pause in WebSphere Liberty.
- Full Liberty XA support with client channel definition tables
- When using WebSphere Liberty Version onwards, with Version 9.2.0, we can make use of queue manager groups within the client channel definition table (CCDT) in conjunction with XA transactions. This means that it is now possible to make use of workload distribution and availability, provided by queue manager groups, whilst maintaining transaction integrity. For more information, see Full Liberty XA support with client channel definition tables.
Enhancements to the messaging REST API
- Ability to browse messages on a queue
- Version 9.2.0 introduces the ability to browse messages on a queue by using the messaging REST API:
- We can use the /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/message resource with an HTTP GET to browse the next message on the queue. For more information, see GET /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/message.
- We can use the /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/messagelist resource with an HTTP GET to view a list of messages on the queue. For more information, see GET /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/messagelist.
- Enhanced REST messaging performance with connection pools
- To optimize the performance of the messaging REST API, connections to IBM MQ queue managers are pooled. That is, instead of each REST request creating, using, and destroying its own connection, each REST request uses a connection from a connection pool. By default, 20 connections are available for each queue manager pool. We can change the maximum number of pooled connections and the default behavior of the messaging REST API when all connections are in use by using the setmqweb properties command. For more information, see Configure the messaging REST API.
- Publish messages to topics with the messaging REST API
- From Version 9.2.0, we can publish messages to a specified topic by using the messaging REST API. We can use the /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/topic/{topicString}/message resource with an HTTP POST to publish a message to the topic. For more information, see POST /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/topic/{topicString}/message.
Support for running applications on Microsoft .NET Core
- .NET Core support Windows and Linux
- From Version 9.2.0, IBM MQ supports .NET Core on IBM MQ .NET and XMS .NET on Windows and Linux.
- Support for development of .NET Core applications on MacOS
- Version 9.2.0 supports the development of .NET Core applications on MacOS. Once developed, these applications can be run supported on either Windows or Linux environments. For more information, see Developing IBM MQ .NET Core applications on MacOS.
- Simplified creation of .NET Core applications
- Version 9.2.0 adds .NET project templates to Microsoft Visual Studio, enabling you to write the applications more quickly. For more information, see Use the IBM MQ .NET project template and Use the IBM MQ XMS .NET project template.
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) shared subscription enhancement
Parent topic:
Version 9.2.0 adds support to AMQP channels for consuming data from subscriptions and shared-subscriptions for example when using the Qpid JMS client library. For more information, see Developing AMQP client applications.
What's new in Version 9.2.0
Related concepts
New Version 9.2.0 features for Multiplatforms - Advanced entitlement only
New Version 9.2.0 features for z/OS - base and Advanced VUE entitlement
New Version 9.2.0 features for z/OS - Advanced and Advanced VUE entitlement
- IBM MQ license information