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License acceptance on IBM MQ for Linux

From IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 you have the option to accept the license before or after product installation on Linux platforms.

Why you would accept the license after installation

Because license acceptance is no longer mandatory before we can install the product, using the option of accepting the license after installation allows you to set up your own repository to install from. We can then accept the license before using the product.

Accepting the license before installing the product

Prior to Version 9.2.0, accepting the license before installing the product was a requirement for Linux platforms.

Accepting the license before installing the product is the existing procedure for license acceptance and from Version 9.2.0 you have the option of installing the product in the same way that we have always done on all supported platforms for IBM MQ for Multiplatforms.

We must have the correct license, or licenses, for the components we want to install. For more information, see License requirements.

Follow the instructions for installing the server by preparing the system, and then following the appropriate instructions for the operating system:

If we have installed a trial license, follow the instructions for converting a trial license. For more information, see Convert a trial license on Linux.

Accepting the license after installing the product

We must have the correct license, or licenses, for the components we want to install. For more information, see License requirements.

Follow the instructions for installing the server by preparing the system, and then following the appropriate instructions for the operating system:

To install the license, or licenses, for a particular installation, use the mqlicense command from that installation, and to view the license, or licenses, use the dspmqlic command.Attention: Do not use the mqlicense.sh script from the installation media, as this script can only be used to accept the license before installation.

If we have installed a trial license, you still use the setmqprd command to accept the amqpcert.lic file to convert a trial license on the platform, or platforms, your enterprise uses.

Parent topic: Install and uninstall IBM MQ on Linux

Related information

Last updated: 2020-10-04