mqipt (start MQIPT)

Start IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru (MQIPT).


Use the mqipt command to start MQIPT. We can optionally specify a name to be given to the MQIPT instance that is being started.


mqipt home_directory-nmqipt_name-sfencryption_key_file

Required parameters

    The MQIPT home directory, where the mqipt.conf configuration file is located. The MQIPT home directory can be specified as either an absolute path or relative to the current working directory of the command shell.

Optional parameters

    -n mqipt_name
    The name to be given to the MQIPT instance that is being started. The name of the MQIPT instance is used to administer local instances of MQIPT with the mqiptAdmin command without needing to use a command port. If this parameter is not specified, the name of the MQIPT home directory is used as the name of the MQIPT instance.

    -sf encryption_key_file
    The name of a file that contains the password encryption key. The encryption key is used by MQIPT to access encrypted passwords in the mqipt.conf configuration file.
    For information about the password encryption key file and other methods to specify the file name when starting MQIPT, see Specify the password encryption key.
    For more information on encrypting stored passwords to be used by MQIPT, see Encrypting stored passwords.

Parent topic: IBM MQ Internet Pass-Thru commands reference