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Changes that affect migration

Changes to the product might affect the migration of a queue manager from an earlier release to the current release of IBM MQ, or affect existing applications or configurations. Review these changes before upgrading queue managers to the latest product version and decide whether we must plan to make changes to existing applications, scripts, and procedures before starting to migrate the systems.

Changes in the current release

For details of changes in the current release, including those that affect migration, see the following information:

Changes in earlier versions

For information about what changed in an earlier release of the product, see the What's new and What's changed sections in the product documentation for that version of the product:

For older, out of support, versions of the product, the documentation is not available in the online IBM Knowledge Center, but is available for you to download for offline use. For more information, see Documentation for older versions of IBM MQ.

Restrictions on reversing queue manager migration


On IBM MQ for Multiplatforms, we cannot reverse queue manager migration to remove the effect of changes. This restriction applies whether your enterprise uses the Long Term Support (LTS) release or Continuous Delivery (CD) release model.

On IBM MQ for z/OS, you can reverse queue manager migration as long as you have migrated from an earlier LTS release to a more recent LTS release. This statement also applies to those CD releases that have the same VRM as an LTS release, for example Version 9.2.0 CD.

See Migration paths: IBM MQ for z/OS for a table of the migration paths available from Version 8.0 onwards.

For further information, see IBM MQ release types.

Related concepts

Last updated: 2020-10-04