What's changed in Fix Packs for Version 9.2.0 Long Term Support
The Long Term Support (LTS) release is a recommended product level for which support, including defect and security updates, are provided over a specified period of time. This version is intended for systems which demand a long term deployment and maximum stability.
Long Term Support for the IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 level of function is rolled up into fix packs for Multiplatforms and IBM MQ Appliance, and provided as PTFs for z/OS . For Unix System Services features (that is, JMS, REST API and MQ Console, Connector Pack, and Managed File Transfer) the z/OS PTFs are aligned directly with the Multiplatforms fix packs. Other PTFs are made available as and when they are produced.
LTS releases do not deliver new functional enhancements. They contain only defect fixes and security updates, and are made available at regular intervals. They are intended for systems that demand maximum stability over a long term deployment period.
For further information see IBM MQ release types and IBM MQ FAQ for Long Term Support and Continuous Delivery releases.

Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1
- Ability to trace New Web Console JavaScript running inside a browser
- Schedule ID included in error messages for semantically incorrect scheduled transfers
What's changed in Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1
IBM MQ Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1 includes a number of resource changes.
Parent topic: About IBM MQ
Related concepts
- What's new and changed in IBM MQ Version 9.2.0
- What was new and changed in earlier versions
Release and platform icons in the product documentation
Related information
System Requirements for IBM MQ
IBM MQ, WebSphere MQ, and MQSeries product readmes web page
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IBM MQ planned maintenance release dates