What's new and changed in IBM MQ Version 9.2.0
IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 is the follow-on Long Term Support (LTS) release to IBM MQ Version 9.1. It is also the follow-on Continuous Delivery (CD) release to IBM MQ Version 9.1.5, which is the final CD release for IBM MQ Version 9.1. IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 includes the features and enhancements that were previously delivered in the CD releases of IBM MQ Version 9.1.0 through IBM MQ Version 9.1.5 along with some features and enhancements that are new at IBM MQ Version 9.2.0.
Delivery and support model
IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 follows the delivery and support model for IBM MQ that was introduced in Version 9.0. From Version 9.0, two release types are made available; a Long Term Support (LTS) release and a Continuous Delivery (CD) release.
The Long Term Support release is a
recommended product level for which support, including defect and security updates, is provided over
a specified period of time. This release is intended for systems which demand a long term deployment
and maximum stability.
Continuous Delivery releases deliver new
functional enhancements, in addition to fixes and security updates, on a much shorter cadence, so
providing much more rapid access to those new functions. These releases are intended for systems
where applications want to exploit the very latest capabilities of IBM MQ.
For further information see IBM MQ release types and IBM MQ FAQ for Long Term Support and Continuous Delivery releases.
How to use the what's new and changed information for IBM MQ Version 9.2.0
IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 includes the features and enhancements that were previously delivered in the CD releases of IBM MQ Version 9.1.0 through IBM MQ Version 9.1.5, along with some features and enhancements that are new at IBM MQ Version 9.2.0:- Features that are new to Long Term Support (LTS) users at IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 are indicated by a dark blue icon
- Features that are new to Continuous Delivery (CD) users at IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 are indicated by a light blue icon
What's new in Version 9.2.0
What's changed in Version 9.2.0
- New, changed, and removed messages in Version 9.2.0
New, changed, and removed messages since Version 9.1.5
Deprecated and removed features in Version 9.2.0
Parent topic: About IBM MQ
Related concepts
- IBM MQ license information
What's changed in Fix Packs for Version 9.2.0 Long Term Support
- What was new and changed in earlier versions
Release and platform icons in the product documentation
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