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This section of the Help deals with reference material such as Accessibility, Properties, and Icons for IBM MQ Explorer.

  • Accessibility in IBM MQ Explorer
    Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.
  • Icons in IBM MQ Explorer
    IBM MQ Explorer uses icons to represent the different objects, such as queue managers, queues, and channels.
  • Views in IBM MQ Explorer
    IBM MQ Explorer is a perspective in Eclipse Platform, which is built on Eclipse technology.
  • Preferences for IBM MQ Explorer
    Use this information to help you to configure the IBM MQ Explorer installation.
  • Properties
    Use this information to find out about the properties that we can view and edit, including properties that apply to the whole IBM MQ installation and the properties of an individual IBM MQ object such as a queue, a queue manager, or a channel.
  • Status attributes
    In IBM MQ Explorer, we can view the current status of IBM MQ objects. For example, we can find out whether a channel is running, or we can find out when the last message was put on a certain queue. We can also view the saved status of a channel.
  • Byte array dialog
    The Byte array dialog is used to define or edit a byte array property of an IBM MQ object.
  • Strings in property dialogs
    To include certain characters in a string, we must punctuate the string in a particular way.
  • Identifying durable subscriptions to the SYSTEM.FTE topic
    If your enterprise is using the Managed File Transfer plugin, supplied with IBM MQ Explorer, we can use the plugin to monitor various features on your managed file transfer network.

Parent topic: Introduction to IBM MQ Explorer

Last updated: 2020-10-04