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Identifying durable subscriptions to the SYSTEM.FTE topic

If your enterprise is using the Managed File Transfer plugin, supplied with IBM MQ Explorer, we can use the plugin to monitor various features on your managed file transfer network.

If the plugin has been configured to use a durable subscription to the SYSTEM.FTE topic on the coordination queue manager, then that subscription will have a unique name that allows you to identify the IBM MQ Explorer instance and user that has created it.

The subscription name used by the Managed File Transfer plugin always has the following format:

    Where hostname is the name of the system where the IBM MQ Explorer that created the subscription is running, and UUID is an identifier which is unique to that user and IBM MQ Explorer instance.

The Managed File Transfer plugin persists the name of the durable subscription it is using in a file called dialog_settings.xml, which can be found in the following directory:

  • User_home\IBM\WebSphereMQ\workspace-installation_name\.metadata\.plugins\com.ibm.wmqfte.explorer\
  • $HOME/IBM/WebSphereMQ/workspace-installation_name/.metadata/.plugins/com.ibm.wmqfte.explorer

Inside this file, look for the UI_SETTINGS_SUBSCRIPTIONS section, and you should see the subscription name displayed after the value attribute. The following code is an example of what you see:

<xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<section name = "Workbench">
   <section name = "UI_SETTINGS_TRANSFER_LOG">
      <item key = "LOCALE"  value="en">
          <list key ="COLUMNS">
              <item value =""/>
              <item value ="Source"/>
              <item value ="Destination"/>
              <item value ="Completion State"/>
              <item value ="Owner"/>
    <section name = "UI_SETTINGS_SUBSCRIPTIONS" 
       <item key = "LOG_SUBNAME" value= "MQExplorer_MFT_Plugin_host1_a14d17fe-58ff-430b-bae5-5a944917f537"/>
      <item key = "LOCALE"  value="en">
          <list key ="COLUMNS">
              <item value =""/>
              <item value ="Source"/>
              <item value ="Destination"/>
              <item value ="Current File"/>
              <item value ="File Number"/>
              <item value ="Progress"/>
              <item value ="Rate"/>
              <item value ="Started"/>
Note: If we use IBM MQ Explorer to monitor multiple managed file transfer networks, the same durable subscription name is used for each of the durable subscriptions that are created.

For example, if you manage two Managed File Transfer networks, with the name of the coordination queue managers for the networks being your_IDFTEQM and your_IDMFTQM respectively, using the Managed File Transfer plugin, we can view the subscriptions for each coordination queue manager.

In the IBM MQ Explorer Navigator pane, expand the Queue Managers drop down and you see the two coordination queue managers your_IDFTEQM and your_IDMFTQM.

Expand the drop down for each of these queue managers, and you see a list of objects for each queue manager, including Subscriptions. If you click on Subscriptions for each of these queue managers in turn, and view the Content pane, you see that each queue manager contains durable subscriptions to the SYSTEM.FTE topic that have the name: MQExplorer_MFT_Plugin_host1_a14d17fe-58ff-430b-bae5-5a944917f537

This indicates that both durable subscriptions are being used by the same user, who is using the Managed File Transfer plugin on a system with the hostname host1.

Parent topic: Reference

Last updated: 2020-10-04