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Updating an existing MFT Agent or Logger command data set on z/OS

We can update an Managed File Transfer command PDSE library data set that is created from the Managed File Transfer command template data set.


  1. Edit the BFGCUSTM JCL script member and update variables and properties in the BFGSTDIN DD statement.

    If you want to remove a property that was previously defined, set its value to blank, instead of removing the entry. When the BFGCUSTM JCL script is run, the specified properties are applied as an update to the actual agent and logger UNIX System Services properties files; setting a property to a blank value indicates that the property is to be removed

  2. Submit job BFGCUSTM. This job generates the set of JCL commands again, appropriate for the agent or logger. For a full list of the commands, see z/OS agent and logger command JCL scripts. Examine the output job log to check that the JCL script ran successfully. If there are any failures, correct them and submit the BFGCUSTM job again.


We can modify the generated JCL scripts and add your own logic. However, be careful when you run BFGCUSTM again because you might overwrite the custom logic.