Creating an MFT Agent or Logger command data set

We can create a PDSE data set of commands from the Managed File Transfer command template data set for a specific Managed File Transfer Agent or Managed File Transfer Logger for a specific coordination.

Complete the following steps:


  1. Make a copy of the MFT command template PDSE library data set SBFGCMDS. SBFGCMDS must be copied into a new library, for example prefix.agent.JCL_. We can use an updated version of the SBFGCMDS(BFGCOPY) member with the following replacements:

    • Replace ++supplied-library++ with the fully qualified name of the SBFGCMDS PDSE.
    • Replace ++service-library++ with the fully qualified name of the new MFT command PDSE library data set. The ++service-library++ is the output data set for the agent or logger service that is created.
  2. For the new MFT command PDSE library data set, edit the member BFGCUSTM, which is a JCL script to customize the commands for the agent or logger. Each variable is specified in the format: ++variable name++, which you must replace with its required value. For a description of the various JCL variables, see z/OS JCL variables. The BFGSTDIN DD statement defines variables in three categories: Variables, Properties, and Environment. The statement has the following format:
    property1=property value1
    property2=property value2
    propertyN=property valueN

    Variables define the set of setup and environment variables that are required for each command.

    Properties define overrides for the MFT configuration properties. We can add agent and logger properties as required to customize the agent or logger for your environment. For a list of all properties, see Configuration properties files. This facility is provided to save having to access the MFT configuration properties files, which are maintained as UNIX System Services files.

    Environment defines any additionally required custom environment variables.

  3. Submit job BFGCUSTM for the new MFT command PDSE library data set. This job generates the set of JCL commands, as new members of the PDSE, appropriate for the agent or logger. For a full list of the commands, see z/OS agent and logger command JCL scripts.

    Job BFGCUSTM updates the library containing the JCL which includes a DD statement with DISP=OLD. You must exit the editor after submission to allow the job to execute.

    Examine the output job log to check that the JCL script ran successfully. If there are any failures, correct them and submit the BFGCUSTM job again.

    The BFGCUSTM JCL script also updates the UNIX System Services MFT configuration properties files as necessary to keep the files in step. If the configuration defined by the CoordinationQMgr property does not exist, warning messages are output and you must run the generated BFGCFCR and BFGCMCR jobs to create the configuration properties files. You must run BFGAGCR for an agent, and BFGLGCRS for a logger edit. If the specified configuration already exists, the configuration is updated with any properties as defined in the BFTCUSTM JCL script.