z/OSĀ® agent and logger command JCL scripts
The set of JCL commands available in an MFT command PDSE library data set.
Member | Description or fte command line command |
BFGCOPY | Job to create a copy of this library |
BFGCUSTM | Job to customize this library for agent or logger |
BFGCFCR | fteSetupCoordination |
BFGCMCR | fteSetupCommands |
BFGAGCR | fteCreateAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGLGCRS | fteCreateLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGAGST | fteStartAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGAGSTP | fteStartAgent procedure. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGAGPI | ftePingAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGAGSP | fteStopAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGLGST | fteStartLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGLGSTP | fteStartLogger procedure. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGLGSP | fteStopLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGAGSH | fteShowAgentDetails. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGLGSH | fteShowLoggerDetails. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGCFDF | fteChangeDefaultConfigurationOptions |
BFGAGCL | fteCleanAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGAGDE | fteDeleteAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGLGDE | fteDeleteLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGPRSH | fteDisplayVersion |
BFGAGLI | fteListAgents. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGMNLI | fteListMonitors |
BFGSTLI | fteListScheduledTransfers |
BFGTMLI | fteListTemplates |
BFGAGMG | fteMigrateAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGLGMG | fteMigrateLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGCROBS | fteObfuscate sample |
BFGAGTC | fteSetAgentTraceLevel. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT. |
BFGLGTC | fteSetLoggerTraceLevel. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER. |
BFGPRANS | fteAnt sample |
BFGTRCAS | fteCancelTransfer sample |
BFGMNCRS | fteCreateMonitor sample |
BFGTMCRS | fteCreateTemplate sample |
BFGTRCRS | fteCreateTransfer sample |
BFGMNDES | fteDeleteMonitor sample |
BFGSTDES | fteDeleteScheduledTransfer sample |
BFGTMDES | fteDeleteTemplates sample |