z/OSĀ® agent and logger command JCL scripts

The set of JCL commands available in an MFT command PDSE library data set.

Table 1. JCL commands available in an MFT command PDSE library data set
Member Description or fte command line command
BFGCOPY Job to create a copy of this library
BFGCUSTM Job to customize this library for agent or logger
BFGCFCR fteSetupCoordination
BFGCMCR fteSetupCommands
BFGAGCR fteCreateAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGLGCRS fteCreateLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGAGST fteStartAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGAGSTP fteStartAgent procedure. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGAGPI ftePingAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGAGSP fteStopAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGLGST fteStartLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGLGSTP fteStartLogger procedure. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGLGSP fteStopLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGAGSH fteShowAgentDetails. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGLGSH fteShowLoggerDetails. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGCFDF fteChangeDefaultConfigurationOptions
BFGAGCL fteCleanAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGAGDE fteDeleteAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGLGDE fteDeleteLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGPRSH fteDisplayVersion
BFGAGLI fteListAgents. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGMNLI fteListMonitors
BFGSTLI fteListScheduledTransfers
BFGTMLI fteListTemplates
BFGAGMG fteMigrateAgent. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGLGMG fteMigrateLogger. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGCROBS fteObfuscate sample
BFGAGTC fteSetAgentTraceLevel. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to AGENT.
BFGLGTC fteSetLoggerTraceLevel. Created only when you set the SERVICE_TYPE variable to LOGGER.
BFGPRANS fteAnt sample
BFGTRCAS fteCancelTransfer sample
BFGMNCRS fteCreateMonitor sample
BFGTMCRS fteCreateTemplate sample
BFGTRCRS fteCreateTransfer sample
BFGMNDES fteDeleteMonitor sample
BFGSTDES fteDeleteScheduledTransfer sample
BFGTMDES fteDeleteTemplates sample
Note: The JCL, for commands that create MQSC or reference delete scripts, asks you to run a script, but the script has already been run by the job.