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The keyword format

Searches can be performed using free format keywords or structured database (SDB) format keywords. Use this topic to understand how to perform searches using different keyword formats.

The keyword formats

The keywords in Building a keyword string are described in two distinct formats: the z/OS, or free format; and the structured database (SDB) format. Structured symptoms are also called RETAIN symptoms and "failure keywords᾿.

If your installation has a tool for performing structured searches, we can use the SDB format. Otherwise, you should use the free format. For both formats, your choice of keywords depends on the type of failure that occurred.

Free format

A free form keyword can consist of any piece of data that is related to the problem. To help you search the database, a set of keywords has been defined, and we can use them to narrow your search. (For example, if you know the name of the CSECT in error, we can use this to search, but if you add the MSGxx or ABEND keyword, your search will be more precise.)

The following list shows keywords defined for use in a free format search:
Table 1. Keywords defined for use in a free format search
Keyword Meaning
ABEND Abnormal termination of a task; no error message.
ABENDxx Abnormal termination of a task; xx is the abend code.
ABENDUxx User abend; xx is the abend code.
DOC Documentation discrepancy that caused a problem.
HALTxx Halt; xx is the halt number.
INCORROUT Any incorrect data output, except performance degradation.
INTEG Integrity problem.
LOOP Loop.
MSGxx Any message; xx is the message identifier.
PERFM Performance degradation.
PROCCHK Processor check.
PROGCH Program check.
WAIT Wait condition; undocumented and no identifier.
WAITxx System wait condition; xx is the identifier.

Structured database (SDB) format

The structured symptoms consist of a prefix keyword, which identifies the type of symptom, followed by a slash (/) and the data portion of the symptom.

For example, the following is a structured symptom string for a message identifier of CSQC223D:
The following list shows the structured symptom strings:
Table 2. Keywords defined for use in a structured format search
Keyword Meaning
AB Abend code.
FLDS Name of a field or control block involved with the problem.
LVLS Level of the base system or licensed program.
MS Message identifier.
OPCS Operation code (opcode) for software, such as an assembler-language opcode.
PCSS Program command or other software statement, such as JCL, a parameter, or a data set name.
PIDS Program identifier for a component involved in the problem.
PRCS Program return code, generated by software, including reason codes and condition codes.
PTFS Program temporary fix (PTF) for software associated with a problem.
PUBS Identifier of a publication associated with a problem.
RECS Record associated with a problem.
REGS Register for a software program associated with a problem. The value can be the register/PSW difference ( rrddd ), which the STATUS FAILDATA subcommand of IPCS provides for abends. The difference ( ddd ) is a hexadecimal offset from a probable base register or branch register ( rr ).
RIDS Routine identifier, such as the name of a CSECT or subroutine. If the RIDS/ value has no suffix, the value is a CSECT name. The following suffixes are supported:

  • #L for a load module
  • #R for a recovery routine
VALU Value in a field or register. One of the following qualifiers is required as the first character of the value:

  • B for a bit value
  • C for a character value
  • H for a hexadecimal value
WS Wait state code issued by the system, or device-issued wait code. One of the following qualifiers is required as the first character of the value:

  • D for disabled wait (system disabled for I/O or external interrupts)
  • E for enabled wait

For more information about which prefix keyword to use for which type of symptom, see SDB format symptom-to-keyword cross-reference.