SDB format symptom-to-keyword cross-reference

We can use structured database (SDB) formats to search the RETAIN database.

Structured database (SDB) format is one of the formats that we can use for searching the RETAIN database. Structured symptoms are also called RETAIN symptoms and "failure keywords᾿. Table 1 lists which prefix keyword to use for which symptom.

Searching the IBM database for similar problems, and solutions provides details about searching RETAIN.

Table 1. SDB format symptom-to-keyword cross-reference
Symptom Keyword Symptom Keyword
abend AB/ access method RIDS/
address ADRS/ APAR PTFS/
assembler macro RIDS/ assembler message MS/
compiler message MS/ completion code PRCS/
component PIDS/ condition code PRCS/
control block FLDS/ control block offset ADRS/
control register REGS/ CSECT RIDS/
data set name PCSS/ dependent component PIDS/
device error code PRCS/ disabled wait (coded) WS/
displacement ADRS/ display DEVS/
document PUBS/ DSECT FLDS/
enabled wait (coded) WS/ error code PRCS/
EXEC RIDS/ feedback code PRCS/
field FLDS/ field value VALU/
file mode PCSS/ file name PCSS/
file type PCSS/ flag FLDS/
floating-point register REGS/ full-screen mode PCSS/
function key PCSS/ general purpose register REGS/
hang WS/ hung user or task WS/
I/O operator codes OPCS/ incorrect output INCORROUT*
JCL card PCSS/ JCL parameter PCSS/
job step code PRCS/ key PCSS/
label, code FLDS/ language statement PCSS/
level LVLS/ library name PCSS/
line command PCSS/ loop LOOP*
low core address ADRS/ machine check SIG/
macro as a routine RIDS/ macro as a statement PCSS/
maintenance level PTFS/ message MS/
module RIDS/ offset ADRS/
opcode OPCS/ operator command PCSS/
operator key PCSS/ operator message MS/
option PCSS/ overlay OVS/
PA key PCSS/ panel RIDS/
parameter PCSS/ performance PERFM*
PF key PCSS/ procedure name PCSS/
process name PCSS/ profile option PCSS/
program check AB/ program id RIDS/
program key PCSS/ program statement PCSS/
PSW FLDS/ PTF, PE or otherwise PTFS/
publication PUBS/ PUT level PTFS/
reason code PRCS/ register value VALU/
register REGS/ release level LVLS/
reply to message PCSS/ reply to prompt PCSS/
request code OPCS/ response to message PCSS/
response to prompt PCSS/ return code PRCS/
routine RIDS/ service level PTFS/
special character PCSS/ SRL PUBS/
statement PCSS/ status code PRCS/
step code PRCS/ structure word FLDS/
subroutines RIDS/ SVC OPCS/
SYSGEN parameter PCSS/ system check PRCS/
table FLDS/ terminal key PCSS/
value VALU/ variable FLDS/
wait (coded) WS/ wait (uncoded) WAIT*
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that there is no prefix keyword for this type of problem. Use the type-of-failure keyword shown for searches of the software support database.