New features on all supported platforms
IBM MQ Version 9.0.5 delivers a number of new features on all platforms that are supported by this release, that is on AIX , Linux , Windows, and z/OSĀ®.
- Further enhancements to the REST API
Ability to use colon separated lists of trace specifications in certain Managed File Transfer Logger commands
New fteListMonitors parameter for bulk backing up of MFT resource monitors
Further enhancements to the REST API
In Version 9.0.5, the REST API has been extended to:- View channels and run mqsc commands on a remote queue manager. That is, we can now specify a
remote queue manager in the resource URL for the /admin/qmgr/{qmgrName}/channel and
/admin/action/qmgr/{qmgrName}/mqsc resource URLs.
For more information about these resources, see REST API resources.
Add support for certain Managed File Transfer commands, including:
- Listing transfers - see Obtaining an MFT list of transfers for more information.
- Details about file transfer agents - see Obtaining the MFT agent status for more information.
New fteListMonitors parameter for bulk backing up of MFT resource monitors
From Version 9.0.5, the -od parameter is added to the fteListMonitors command. By specifying this parameter, we can back up more than one resource monitor at a time by exporting their definitions in bulk to a specified directory. Each resource monitor definition is saved to a separate XML file with a name in the format agent name.monitor name.xml.
The -od parameter is particularly useful if we have a large number of resource monitors to back up because you need to run the fteListMonitors -od command once only, instead of having to run the fteListMonitors -ox command separately for each resource definition, or use a separate script to run the fteListMonitors -ox command for each resource monitor.
For more information, see Backing up and restoring MFT resource monitors and fteListMonitors: list MFT resource monitors.
Ability to use colon separated lists of trace specifications in certain Managed File Transfer Logger commands
From Version 9.0.5 onwards, we can specify a colon-separated list of trace specifications in the fteSetAgentTraceLevel and fteSetLoggerTraceLevel commands.
This change enables you to specify trace specifications in exactly the same way as we do for the existing agent.properties and logger.properties files.