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A subscription is a record that contains the information about the topic or topics that the subscriber is interested in and wants to receive information about. Thus, the subscription information determines which publications get forwarded to the subscriber. Subscribers can receive information from many different publishers, and the information they receive can also be sent to other subscribers.

Published information is sent in an IBM MQ message, and the subject of the information is identified by a topic. The publisher specifies the topic when it publishes the information, and the subscriber specifies the topics on which it wants to receive publications. The subscriber is sent information about only those topics to which it subscribes.

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 or later queue managers use a Publish/Subscribe Engine to control the interactions between publishers and subscribers. The Publish/Subscribe Engine receives messages from publishers, and subscription requests from subscribers (to a range of topics). The Publish/Subscribe Engine's job is to route the published data to the target subscribers.

Subscribers can specify that they do not want to receive retained publications, and existing subscribers can ask for duplicate copies of retained publications to be sent to them. For more information on retained publications, see Publications.