Subscription status attributes
The status attributes of subscriptions.
For each attribute, there is a brief description of what information the attribute shows. The table also gives the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DISPLAY QSTATUS command. For more information about MQSC commands, see Script (MQSC) Commands in the IBM MQ online product documentation.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Name | This is the application's unique subscription identifier. | SUB |
Identifier | Identifier is assigned by the queue manager as a unique identifier for this subscription. | SUBID |
User Id | The user identifier that is associated with the subscription. | SUBUSER |
Durable | The subscription's Durable parameter can be either Yes or No. When Durable is set to Yes, then the subscriptions are not deleted when the creating application closes its subscription handle. | DURABLE |
Type | The Type of subscription
indicates how the subscription was created. The subscription types
are: API: Subscription created by using an MQSUB API request. ADMIN: Subscription created by using a DEF SUB MQSC or PCF command. ADMIN is also used to indicate that a subscription has been modified by using an administrative command. PROXY: Subscription created internally for routing publications through a queue manager network. |
Connection ID | The currently active CONNID that has opened this subscription. It is used to detect local publications. | ACTCONN |
Resume date | The date of the most recent MQSUB which connected to this subscription. | RESMDATE |
Resume time | The time of the most recent MQSUB which connected to this subscription. | RESMTIME |
Date of last publication | The date on which a message was last sent to the destination specified by the subscription. | LMSGDATE |
Time of last publication | The time on which a message was last sent to the destination specified by the subscription. | LMSGTIME |
Message count | The number of messages put to the destination specified by this subscription since it was created, or since the queue manager was restarted, whichever is more recent. This number might not reflect the total number of messages that are, or have been, available to the consuming application. This is because it might also include publications that were partially processed but then undone by the queue manager due to a publication failure, or publications that were made within syncpoint that were rolled-back by the publishing application. | NUMMSGS |
Multicast reliability indicator (%) | Indicator of the reliability of the multicast
messages. The values are expressed as a percentage. A value of 100
indicates that all messages are being delivered without problems.
A value less than 100 indicates that some of the messages are experiencing
network issues. To determine the nature of these issues, you
can enable event message generation, using the COMMEV parameter
of the COMMINFO objects, and examine the generated event messages.
Two values are returned: