Install Liberty Repository assets
We can use a variety of tools to install the assets that are in the Liberty Repository or download them directly from the WASdev website.
Important: Product documentation marked with the
icon indicates information about assets available only from the Liberty Repository. The Liberty Repository provides an online mechanism to deliver the Liberty profile and additional content, enabling a single point of access for various asset types.
See Liberty Repository.
To install assets from the Liberty Repository, have the Liberty profile for WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5.2.
We can use several methods to access and install Liberty Repository assets. Some methods, such as Installation Manager, require the completion of specific steps in the installation sequence before we can install the applicable assets.
- Review the list of available assets in the Liberty Repository. See the Downloads page on We can sort assets by date, name, or rating, or we can filter assets by asset type or Liberty edition.
- Review the installation methods for the Liberty Repository assets. Use the following table to determine the appropriate installation methods for each asset type:
Asset type featureManager command Installation Manager Developer toolsa WASdev siteb Addons X X Admin scripts X Config snippets X X Features X X X Open source integrations X X X Products Xc X X Product samples X X X Tools X
- Developer tools are available only for the Linux, Mac OS, and Windows platforms.
- We can download assets from the website to install separately.
- We can install product runtimes from Installation Manager, but they are not in the Liberty Repository.
- Choose the installation method for the Liberty Repository assets that fits the usage scenario.
- IBM Installation Manager: Installs Liberty Repository assets during the installation or an upgrade to a new version of the Liberty profile. We can use the Installation Manager graphical user interface, command-line interface, or the Installation Manager in silent mode with a response file.
See Install assets using Installation Manager.
- featureManager command: Installs Liberty Repository assets to an existing installation of the Liberty profile. We can download Liberty Repository assets to the local system for offline use. The featureManager command also downloads and installs all dependencies for the asset.
See Install assets using the featureManager command.
- Developer tools: Developer tools for WebSphere Application Server, such as WebSphere Developer Tools, provide a graphical user interface we can leverage to install Liberty Repository assets.
See Install assets using developer tools.
- WASdev site: We can download a subset of the Liberty Repository assets directly from the WASdev site. See the installation instructions provided on the Downloads page on
- Install assets using developer tools
- Install assets using the featureManager command
- Install assets using Installation Manager
Parent topic: Install LibertyConcepts:
Liberty profile and Chef Tasks:
Install Liberty using Installation Manager
Install Liberty using downloaded files and archives