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Install assets using the featureManager command

We can use the featureManager command to install Liberty Repository features in the Liberty profile environment.

Before we can access the Liberty Repository using the featureManager command, install the Liberty profile for WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5.2 or later.

After installing the Liberty profile, we can install Liberty Repository features by running the featureManager command. The featureManager command automatically installs asset dependencies.

  1. Review the assets that are located in the Liberty Repository and obtain the feature_shortName for each asset to install. The asset feature_shortName is required to download and install assets. We can use the featureManager command to search for and review assets, or we can find them on the Downloads page on WASdev.net.

    1. To review assets and obtain the asset feature_shortName using the featureManager command, use the featureManager find command.

      • To find assets applicable to the configuration, use the searchstring option; for example:

          featureManager find searchString

      • To view detailed information, use the --viewInfo option; for example:

          featureManager find searchstring --viewInfo

    2. To review assets and obtain the asset feature_shortName from the WASdev website, see the asset details page on the WASdev website for each feature to install. The feature_shortName is found in the installation instructions of the asset details page; for example: the Portlet Container feature_shortName is portlet-2.0.

  2. Obtain the feature_shortName from the asset details page on the WASdev website for each feature to install. The feature_shortName is found in the installation instructions of the asset details page; for example: the Portlet Container feature_shortName is portlet-2.0.

  3. Run the featureManager command to install the assets.:

      bin/featureManager install feature_shortName --when-file-exists=ignore

    To install multiple features, use commas to separate each feature_shortName; for example:

      bin/featureManager install feature_shortName1,feature_shortName2 --when-file-exists=ignore

    To download a feature to a local directory without installing the feature, use the --downloadOnly option; for example:

      bin/featureManager install feature_shortName1,feature_shortName2 --downloadOnly=[all| required*|none]

    We can configure this option to download all the dependent features, the dependent features required for this runtime, or none of the dependent features. The default is to download the  required dependent features. To specify a local destination directory, use this option with the --location=directoryPath option.

    To install features from a local source directory, use the --location=directoryPath option; for example:

      bin/featureManager install feature_shortName1,feature_shortName2 --location=directoryPath

    If we do not want to connect to the Liberty Repository, use the --offlineOnly option to install features from a local directory; for example:

      bin/featureManager install feature_shortName1,feature_shortName2 --offlineOnly --location=directoryPath

  4. Use the featureManager command to see what assets we have installed or to get help.

    See: featureManager command

Parent topic:

Install Liberty Repository assets


Install assets using developer tools

Install assets using Installation Manager