Develop a JMX Java client for the Liberty profile
We can develop a Java Management Extensions (JMX) client application to access the secured REST connector of the Liberty profile.
Use a JMX remote client application, we can administer the Liberty profile through JMX programming.
- Develop a sample JMX client as follows. The REST connector supports the standard JMX API.
import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty("", <truststore location>); System.setProperty("", <truststore password>); //If the type of the trustStore is not jks, which is default, //set the type using the following line. System.setProperty("", <truststore type>); try { HashMap<String, Object> environment = new HashMap<String, Object>(); environment.put("jmx.remote.protocol.provider.pkgs", ""); environment.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new String[] { "bob", "bobpassword" }); JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rest://<host>:<port>/IBMJMXConnectorREST"); JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.newJMXConnector(url, environment); connector.connect(); MBeanServerConnection mbsc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection(); } catch(Throwable t) { ... } } }
- Optional: Disable host name verification for SSL certificates. The certificates installed with the Liberty profile might not contain the host name of where the server is actually running. To disable host name verification of SSL certificates, we can set the system property to true, which disables host name verification for all connections. To disable host name verification on a per-connection basis, pass the property as a new environment when we create the JMX connection:
HashMap<String, Object> environment = new HashMap<String, Object>(); environment.put("jmx.remote.protocol.provider.pkgs", ""); environment.put("", Boolean.TRUE); environment.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new String[] { "bob", "bobpassword" }); ...
- Optional: Configure JMX REST connector settings using the environment Map.
... HashMap<String, Object> environment = new HashMap<String, Object>(); environment.put("", 0); environment.put("", 65000); ...
- Optional: The Liberty REST connector allows you to specify a custom SSL socket factory that can be used to obtain sockets. If the PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target exception is displayed, we can create our own SSLContext from our own KeyStores and then use the SocketFactory from that context with the REST connector.
KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("myTrustStore.jks"); trustStore.load(inputStream, "password".toCharArray()); TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); trustManagerFactory.init(trustStore); TrustManager[] trustManagers = trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers(); SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sslContext.init(null, trustManagers, null); Map<String, Object> environment = new HashMap<String, Object>(); environment.put(ConnectorSettings.CUSTOM_SSLSOCKETFACTORY, sslContext.getSocketFactory()); environment.put(ConnectorSettings.DISABLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION, true); environment.put("jmx.remote.protocol.provider.pkgs", ""); environment.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new String[] { "admin", "password" }); JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("REST", "myhost", 9443, "/IBMJMXConnectorREST"); jmxConn = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, environment);
Parent topic: Configure secure JMX connection to the Liberty profileTasks:
Access local and JMX REST connectors