IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Tuning > Advanced tuning > Business Process Choreographer tuning

Tuning Business Process Choreographer Explorer

Use the following guidelines to improve the performance of the Business Process Choreographer Explorer.


  1. Use query tables for customized views.

    Business Process Choreographer Explorer provides default query table definitions for each of the predefined views. However, to exploit the full potential of query tables, you should also use query tables as the basis for your customized views. If you have customized views that do not use query tables, consider creating query tables that contain exactly those properties and filters that you need for your business scenario, and redefining these views based on the new query tables.

    Avoid using customized views that are not based on query tables. Restrict the use of searches that are not based on query tables to one-off searches where you need the flexibility to define specific filter criteria.

  2. Consider increasing the maximum heap size of the server.

    Web clients naturally increase the load on your system. The more clients that are connected to your server, the more objects that have to be kept in memory. Therefore consider increasing the maximum heap size of your server. This improves the response time of your application, and increases the maximum number of users that can work in parallel with the application.

  3. Tune the web container thread pool.

    The size of the thread pool and the thread inactivity timeout can affect the performance of the web container. To change these settings navigate to the following area of the administrative console: Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name, then in the Additional Properties section, click Thread Pools > WebContainer.

    1. Adjust the maximum and minimum pool size.

      All HTTP requests for web client applications are processed using threads from the web container thread pool. You can adjust the minimum and maximum pool size to influence the performance of your web client.

      The number of maximum threads in the pool does not represent the number of requests your application server can process concurrently. If all of the threads in the pool are in use, additional requests are queued until they can be assigned to a thread. If a client request waits for a thread to be assigned, the response time increases for the client. However, if the maximum number is set too high, the system might get overloaded resulting in an even worse response time for the clients. It might also cause other applications to slow down dramatically.

      To determine whether changing the container size might result in a performance gain, you can use Tivoli Performance Viewer to monitor the load on the threads (PercentMaxed counter) and the number of active threads (ActiveThreads counter) for the web container module.

      If the value of the PercentMaxed counter is consistently in double digits, then the web container might be a bottleneck. In this case, increase the number of threads. If the number of active threads is lower than the number of threads in the pool, decreasing the thread pool size might result in a performance gain.

    2. Adjust the thread inactivity timeout.

      The thread inactivity timeout defines after how many milliseconds of inactivity that should elapse before a thread is reclaimed. Set this timeout to a low value, for example, 1, so that many users can work concurrently without having to wait for a free thread in the thread pool. A value of 0 indicates no wait time.

  4. Decrease the search limit for large lists.

    If you are working with large task or process lists, you might want to decrease the search limit for lists to avoid gathering data that is not accessed by users. To change this setting, click either Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster_name or Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name, then on the Configuration tab, in the Business Integration section, expand Business Process Choreographer, and click Business Process Choreographer Explorer, then change the setting.

Business Process Choreographer tuning

Related tasks:
Using the administrative console to configure the Business Process Choreographer Explorer:
Create query tables for Business Process Choreographer Explorer

Related reference:
Using the clientconfig.jacl script file to configure Business Process Choreographer Explorer or Business Process Archive Explorer:

Related information:

Use Query Tables in Business Process Choreographer Explorer
Business Process Choreographer Explorer - Customization and Tuning Options