IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server > Install IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server > On Windows > Network deployment environment > Configure profiles and create an ND environment > Create an ND environment > Use the administrative console > Configure components > Configure optional components > Configure Business Process Choreographer > Configure Business Process Choreographer Explorer

Use the clientconfig.jacl script file to configure Business Process Choreographer Explorer or Business Process Archive Explorer

This describes how to configure a Business Process Choreographer Explorer or Business Process Archive Explorer and all the necessary resources on a server or cluster. You can also use the script to change configuration settings for an existing instance, including changing the maxListEntries. You can either run this script interactively or in batch mode.


This script can be used for several different purposes.


The clientconfig.jacl script file is located in the Business Process Choreographer config directory:

Running the script in a stand-alone server environment

The configuration script is run using the wsadmin command. In a stand-alone server environment:

Running the script in an ND environment

The configuration script is run using the wsadmin command. In an ND environment:

Configure a Business Process Choreographer Explorer or Business Process Archive Explorer non-interactively

Change your current directory to INSTALL_ROOT and enter the command:

bin/ -f ProcessChoreographer/config/clientconfig.jacl  parameters

Where parameters are:

    ( [-node  nodeName][-server  serverName] | [-cluster  clusterName] )
      [-operationMode { RUNTIME | ARCHIVE }]
      [-contextRootExplorer  explorerContextRoot]
      [-explorerHost  explorerURL]
      [-hostName  explorerVirtualHostname]
      [-precompileJSPs { yes | no }]
  ( ( [-remoteNode  nodeName][-remoteServer  serverName] ) 
          | [-remoteCluster  clusterName] )
      [-maxListEntries  maximum]
      [-promptMode { ASK | USE_DEFAULT | FAIL_IF_MISSING }]
      -restAPIBFM  restAPIURL
      -restAPIHTM  restAPIURL

If you run the script in batch mode, you must include all required parameters. If you run the script interactively, any required parameters that are not provided on the command line are prompted for.


You can use the following parameters when invoking the script using wsadmin: