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xscmd utility reference

General command parameters

xscmd -c <cmdName> | -h <cmdName> | -lc [<cmdGroupName>] | -lcg [-tt <type>] 
      [-prot <protocol>] 
      [-trf <filePath>] 
      [-ks <filePath>] 
      [-ksp <password>] 
      [-user <username>] 
      [-al <alias>]
      [-cgp <property>] 
      [-kst <type>] 
      [-cep <endpoints>] 
      [-ssp <profileName>] 
      [-tsp <password>] 
      [-arc <integer>] 
      [-trs <traceSpec>] 
      [-tst <type>] 
      [-to <serverTimeout>] 
      [-cxpv <provider>] 
      [-sp <profileName>] 
      [-pwd <password>] 
      [-ca <support>]
      [-cgc <className>] 
      [-ts <filePath>]


-al --alias <alias> Alias name in the keystore.
-arc --authRetryCount <integer> Retry count for authentication if the credential is expired. If the value is set to 0, then authentication retries do not occur.
-c --command <cmdName> Command to execute
-ca --credAuth <support> Set the client credential authentication support [Never, Supported, Required].
-cep --catalogEndPoints <endpoints> One or more catalog service endpoints in the format

Default endpoint: localhost:2809

-cgc --credGenClass <className> Class that implements the CredentialGenerator interface. Used to get credentials for clients.
-cgp --credGenProps <property> Properties for the CredentialGenerator implementation class. The properties are set to the object with the setProperties(String) method.
-cxpv --contextProvider <provider> Context provider. Examples: IBMJSSE2, IBMJSSE, IBMJSSEFIPS.
-h --help <cmdName> Invoke general command-line help
-ks --keyStore <filePath> Absolute path to keystore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public
-ksp --keyStorePassword <password> Password to the keystore.
-kst --keyStoreType <type> Keystore type. Example: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12.
-lc --listCommands <cmdGroupName> List all commands for a command group
-lcg --listCommandGroups List all command groups
-lpc --listPrivateCommands List all private commands.
-prot --protocol <protocol> Protocol. Examples: SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1.
-pwd --password <password> eXtreme Scale password security credential
-sp --secProfile <profileName> Profile name.
-ssp --saveSecProfile <profileName> Save security parameter values in security profile.
-to --timeout <serverTimeout> Server connection timeout in seconds
-trf --traceFile <filePath> Absolute path to the generated trace file for xscmd command output
-trs --traceSpec <traceSpec> Trace specification for xscmd command output
-ts --trustStore <filePath> Absolute path to truststore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public
-tsp --trustStorePassword <password> Truststore password
-tst --trustStoreType <type> Truststore type. Examples: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12.
-tt --transportType <type> Transport layer security configuration type. Examples: TCP/IP, SSL-Supported, SSL-Required.
-user --username <username> eXtreme Scale user name security credential

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Command Name Description
balanceShardTypes Attempt shard redistribution so that the ratio of primaries and replicas within each container server are within one shard.
balanceStatus Check the balance status of the data grid for the ObjectGrid and map set specified.
clearGrid Clear data from the data grid.
dismissLink Disconnect from the specified catalog service domain.
enableForPlacement Re-enable shard placement to a container that is disabled for shard placement because of the failure of a previous shard placement operation.
establishLink Connect to the specified catalog service domain with the specified catalog service endpoints.
findByKey Find matching keys in a map.
getCatTraceSpec Retrieve the trace specification for all the catalog servers that are known by this process.
getNotificationFilter Display the notification filters for the servers in the environment.
getStatsSpec Retrieve the statistics specification.
getTraceSpec Retrieve the trace specification.
listAllJMXAddresses Display all JMX MBean server addresses.
listCoreGroups List all core groups .
listDisabledForPlacement List the containers that are disabled for shard placement because shard placement operations failed for them.
listHosts List all hosts. The command usage and output is subject to change in the future.
listIndoubts List and resolve indoubt transactions.
listObjectGridNames List all known ObjectGrid instances and map sets .
listProfiles List profiles.
listenForNotifications Subscribes to notifications received by the messaging hub. Prints the errors, warnings and other messages as they are received.
osgiAll Show all available OSGi service rankings. Use the -sn option to display a single service. The command output only is subject to change in the future.
osgiCheck Check whether specified OSGi service rankings are available. The command output only is subject to change in the future.
osgiCurrent Show all OSGi service rankings currently in use. Use the -sn option to display a single service. The command output only is subject to change in the future.
osgiUpdate Update the OSGi services to the specified rankings. The command output only is subject to change in the future.
overrideQuorum Notify the catalog server to override quorum.
placementServiceStatus Display the ObjectGrid placement operation status. The command usage and output is subject to change in the future.
releaseShard Releases the specified primary shard from the specified container server.
removeProfile Remove profile from file system.
reserveShard Reserves the specified primary shard on the specified container server.
resumeBalancing Attempts to balance and allow future balancing attempts for the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set.
revisions Display all known revision history.
routetable Display the current routing table.
setCatTraceSpec Set the trace specification for all the catalog servers known by this process.
setNotificationFilter Set the notification filter. The messaging hub processes INFO, WARNING, and SEVERE messages that match the regular expression.
setStatsSpec Set the statistics specification.
setTraceSpec Trace specification in the form: traceType1=traceLevel1=traceState1[: traceTypeN=traceLevelN=traceStateN]*
showCoreGroupMembers Shows all core group members.
showDomainReplicationState Displays the outbound and inbound revisions yet to be replicated between primary shards on linked domains, for each container across all domains. The command usage and output is subject to change in the future.
showInfo Retrieve the environment specifications including installed versions and JVM information.
showLinkedDomains Display the linked foreign domains
showLinkedPrimaries Display the primary shards and all of their foreign or domestic linked primary shards. The command output only is subject to change in the future.
showMapSizes Display all map sizes.
showNotificationHistory Display the most recent environment errors, warnings and messages that are stored in the messaging hub.
showPlacement List all container servers and their shards. The command usage and output is subject to change in the future.
showProfile Show the details of the specified profile.
showQuorumStatus Display catalog server quorum status.
showReplicationState Display the outbound and inbound revisions yet to be replicated between the primary and replica shards for each container. The command usage and output is subject to change in the future.
showTransport Display the transport used by the catalog service domain. Types include ORB and eXtremeIO.
suspendBalancing Prevent future attempts to balance the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set.
swapShardWithPrimary Swaps the specified replica shard for the specified container server with its primary shard .
teardown Stops a list of catalog and container servers .
triggerPlacement Trigger a placement operation for the specified ObjectGrid instance and map set. The numInitialContainers value is ignored. The command output only is subject to change in the future.

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