WebSphere eXtreme Scale v8.6 - New features
Continuous query
Client applications that query the data grid can retrieve automatic, real-time results when new entries are inserted or updated. Use continuous query to be notified in your client JVM when data is inserted or updated in the data grid.
Disk overflow
Extend the data grid capacity by moving cache entries out of memory and into disk. Entries that do not fit into the available memory capacity of the container servers are stored on disk.
Display values of queried data
Display data query keys in the monitoring console or with xscmd.
Enterprise data grid
Enterprise data grids use the eXtremeIO transport mechanism and a new serialization format that allow you to connect both Java and .NET clients.
Global index
Extend the built-in HashIndex plug-in, and run on shards in a distributed, partitioned data grid. Global index tracks the location of indexed attributes in the data grid and provides efficient ways to find partitions, keys, values, or entries using attributes.
Global index invalidation
Improve invalidation efficiency in a large, partitioned environment.
High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL)
Enable catalog and container server to use HPEL.
IBM Support Assistant Data Collector
Gather data from the WebSphere eXtreme Scale environment.
Inverse range index
Configure an inverse range index using the built-in InverseRangeIndex
List of shard containers that are disabled for placement
When a problem occurs with placing shards on a particular shard container, the shard container is placed in a list that disables that shard container from receiving further placement requests. We can list the disabled shard containers.
Message center
Aggregated view of event notifications for log and first-failure data capture (FFDC) messages. We can view these event notifications with the message center in the web console.
Near-cache invalidation
We can configure near cache invalidation to remove stale data from the near cache as quickly as possible.
New xscmd utility commands and parameters
- xscmd -c getNotificationFilter
Display the current filters for new notifications from the message center.
- xscmd -c listenForNotifications
Listen for new notifications from the message center.
- xscmd -c setNotificationFilter
Create a filter for new notifications from the message center.
- xscmd -c showLinkedDomains
Check which catalog service domains are linked to your local catalog service domain.
- xscmd -c showNotificationHistory
Display the output of the event notification history in tabular format.
- -to or --timeout parameter
Reduce the timeout value to avoid waiting for operating system or other network timeouts during a network brown out or system loss.
- -hc or --linkHealthCheck parameter
Use with xscmd -c showLinkedPrimaries
- xscmd -c listDisabledForPlacement
Display a list of shard containers that have been disabled for shard placement.
- xscmd -c listIndoubts
Display a list of in-doubt transactions. Run this
- xscmd -c enableForPlacement -ct <shard_container>
Re-enable a shard containers that has been disabled for shard placement.
- xscmd -c showReplicationState and xscmd -c showDomainReplicationState
State of the revisions across the catalog servers or catalog service domains.
- xscmd -c showTransport
Display the transport type of the catalog service domain.
Remote logging
Enable remote logging to save log entries on a remote server. You must have a syslog server available to listen for and capture events.
REST gateway support
Access data grids hosted by a collective. Useful when access grid data from non-Java environments.
Support for Java Servlets 3.0 Specification
WXS HTTP session management function now supports Java Servlets 3.0 specification. When writing applications for WXS in a stand-alone environment, only listeners specified explicitly in the web.xml are called back when sessions are invalidated using remote WXS container eviction.