IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > Develop IBM Worklight applications > Transport Worklight applications to test and production environments > Deploy a customization .war file to an application serverDeploy a customization .war file to Liberty Profile
To deploy the customization .war, we...
- Copy the .war file to the apps directory
- Declare the app
- Restart the server
You have already built a project, and the customization .war file is in the bin directory of the project.
- cd to the project bin directory, and copy the Worklight Customization .war file to the server...
- On UNIX and Linux systems...
cp projectName.war install_dir/server/wlp/usr/servers/worklightServer/apps,
- On Windows 7 systems...
copy projectName.war C:\ProgramData\IBM\Worklight\WAS85liberty-server\wlp\usr\servers\worklightServer\apps
- On Windows XP systems...
copy projectName.war C:\IBM\Worklight\WAS85liberty-server\wlp\usr\servers\worklightServer\apps
- Declare the application in server.xml:
- Open server.xml.
- On UNIX and Linux systems, the file is in...
- On Windows 7 systems, the file is in...
- On Windows XP systems, the file is in...
- Add the following information to the file:
<applicationname="projectName" location="projectName.war" type="war"> <classloader delegation="parentLast"> <commonLibrary> <fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/lib" includes="worklight-jee-library.jar"> </commonLibrary> </classloader> </application>
- Restart the server
You can now access IBM Worklight Console at...http://server:9080/projectName/console
Parent Deploy a customization .war file to an application server