IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > Develop IBM Worklight applicationsData synchronization with JSONStore
Apps that use WL.JSONStore can maintain a local copy of data and push the local updates to a back-end service.
You can...
- Search the local data store
- Update and delete data within it
- Secure the local data store using password-based encryption
Operations that act on local and remote data include...
- push
- pushSelected
- load
Operations that act on local data only include...
- add
- replace
- remove
The JSON data store tracks modifications to data made locally. You can then push the local modifications to a Worklight server adapter. Push the data to the adapter using the push and pushSelected methods. The push call attempts to push all the local modifications to the adapter, whereas pushSelected operates only on the set of documents you specify.
Only a single instance of JSONStore is supported per app. However, the instance can store many collections.
To relate a collection to an adapter, select the adapter option as part of the collection creation options. You do not have to associate a collection with an adapter; however if an adapter is not specified for the collection, calls to push and pushSelected return an error.
Parent Develop IBM Worklight applications