WebLogic Server EJB Tools
BEA provides several tools you can use to help you create and configure EJBs. They are discussed in the following sections:
- EJBGen
- Ant Tasks
- appc (weblogic.appc)
- Builder
- DDConverter (weblogic.ejb.utils.DDConverter)
- Deployer (weblogic.Deployer)
- ejbc (weblogic.ejbc)
EJBGen is an Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 code generator. You can annotate your Bean class file with javadoc tags and then use EJBGen to generate the Remote and Home classes and the deployment descriptor files for an EJB application, reducing to one the number of EJB files you need to edit and maintain.
BEA recommends that you use EJBGen to generate deployment descriptors ; this is a BEA best practice which allows for easier and simpler maintenance of EJBs. When you use EJBGen, you have to write and annotate only one bean class file, which simplifies writing, debugging and maintenance. Moreover, if you use WebLogic Workshop to as a development environment, WebLogic Workshop automatically inserts EJBGen tags for you.
If you have installed BEA WebLogic 8.1 examples, see WL_HOME\samples\server\examples\src\examples\ejb20\ejbgen for an example application called Bands that uses EJBGen.
EJBGen Syntax
javadoc -docletpath weblogic.jar -doclet weblogic.tools.ejbgen.EJBGen (YourBean).javaIf you do not have weblogic.jar in your classpath, add the path to weblogic.jar as follows:
javadoc -docletpath <path_to_weblogic.jar> weblogic.jar -doclet weblogic.tools.ejbgen.EJBGen (YourBean).javaIf you are invoking EJBGen for an EJB that has relationships with other EJBs, invoke the related EJBs by naming them, following your EJB, in the invocation, as follows:
javadoc -docletpath weblogic.jar -doclet weblogic.tools.ejbgen.EJBGen (YourBean).java (RelatedBean).javaEJBGen includes the following options:
Option Definition -d [directory] The directory under which all the files will be created. -descriptorDir [directory] The directory under which all the descriptor files will be created. -ignorePackageIf this flag is set, EJBGen ignores the package name of the Java files it generates and creates those in the output directory as specified by the -d flag (or in the current directory if no -d was specified). -pfd1If this flag is set, EJBGen will generate deployment descriptors compatible with the Public Final Draft 1 of the EJB 2.0 specification. You should use this flag if you are using any version anterior to Weblogic 6.1. -ejbPrefix [string] (default: "")The prefix to use when generating the EJB class. -ejbSuffix [string] (default: "Bean" or "EJB")The suffix to use when generating the EJB class. -localHomePrefix [string] (default: "")The prefix to use when generating the local EJB class. -localHomeSuffix [string] (default: "LocalHome")The suffix to use when generating the local EJB class. -remoteHomePrefix [string] (default: "")The prefix to use when generating the remote EJB home class. -remoteHomeSuffix [string] (default: "Home")The suffix to use when generating the remote EJB home class. -remotePrefix [string] (default: "")The prefix to use when generating the remote EJB class. -remoteSuffix [string] (default: "")The suffix to use when generating the remote EJB class. -localPrefix [string] (default: "")The prefix to use when generating the local EJB class. -localSuffix [string] (default: "Local")The suffix to use when generating the local EJB class. -valueObjectPrefix [string] (default: "")The prefix to use when generating the value object class. -valueObjectSuffix [string] (default: "Value")The suffix to use when generating the value object class. -jndiPrefix [string] (default: "")The prefix to use for @remote-jndi-name and @local-jndi-name -jndiSuffix [string] (default: "")The suffix to use for @remote-jndi-name and @local-jndi-name -checkTagsIf invoked with this option, EJBGen will not generate any classes but will search the classes supplied on the command line for tags that are not valid EJBGen tags. -docTagsPrint out all the tags known by EJBGen. Note that even though this option does not need any source file, you still need to specify an existing .java class on the command line, or Javadoc will emit an error message even though it recognized the flag. -docTag tagNameIf specified, EJBGen prints out the detailed documentation for this tag, including all the recognized attributes. Note that even though this option does not need any source file, you still need to specify an existing .java class on the command line, or Javadoc will emit an error message even though it recognized the flag. -docTagsHtmlSame as -docTags, but generates an HTML document. -propertyFile [fileName]The name of a property file that EJBGen reads to define substitution variables. -noValueClassesIf specified, value classes will not be generated. -noRemoteInterfaces If specified, remote interfaces are not generated. -noLocalInterfaces If specified, local interfaces are not generated. -wls7 Use this flag to specify that EJBGen generate WebLogic Server 7.0 deployment descriptors. -toStringForPrimitivesOnly If specified, the toString () methods of value objects only display container-managed persistence fields that are primitives. This flag fixes the problem of circular references between value objects (AValue.toString() invoking BValue.toString() invoking AValue.toString(), etcetera).
EJBGen Example
This example shows a Bean file annotated so that EJBGen will generate the Remote and Home interfaces and the deployment descriptor files. AccountBean.java is the main bean class. It is a CMP EJB 2.0 Entity bean:
/*** @ejbgen:entity
* ejb-name = AccountEJB-OneToMany
* data-source-name = examples-dataSource-demoPool
* table-name = Accounts
* prim-key-class = java.lang.String** @ejbgen:jndi-name* local = one2many.AccountHome* @ejbgen:finder* signature = "Account findAccount(double balanceEqual)"
* ejb-ql = "WHERE balance = ?1"** @ejbgen:finder* signature = "Collection findBigAccounts(double balanceGreaterThan)"* ejb-ql = "WHERE balance > ?1"** @ejbgen:relation* name = Customer-Account
* target-ejb = CustomerEJB-OneToMany
* multiplicity = many
* cmr-field = customer**/abstract public class AccountBean implements EntityBean {/*** @ejbgen:cmp-field column = acct_id* @ejbgen:primkey-field* @ejbgen:remote-method transaction-attribute = Required*/abstract public String getAccountId();abstract public void setAccountId(String val);// ....}As you can see from this example, there are two types of tags: class tags and method tags, depending on where you can use them.
Once you finish editing your file, you invoke EJBGen through the following Javadoc command:
javadoc -docletpath weblogic.jar -doclet weblogic.tools.ejbgen.EJBGen AccountBean.javaThe Javadoc command generates the following files:
- Account.java
- AccountHome.java
- ejb-jar.xml
- weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
- weblog-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml
EJBGen Tags
Use the following tags to annotate your bean class file.
Where: Class
Applicable on: Entity bean
Attribute Description Required cache-size The size of the key cache. Yes name The name of the generator. Yes type The type of the generator. Yes
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity bean
Attribute Description Required column The column where this CMP field will be mapped. Yes column-type The type of this column. (OracleClob|OracleBlob) No ordering-number (0..n) The number where this field must appear in signatures and constructors. For this ordering to work, all cmr and cmp fields must set this attribute to a distinct numeric value. No exclude-from-value-object (True|False) If True, this field will not be generated in the value object. No group-names Comma-delimited names of the groups this field belongs to. No primkey-field (True|False) Whether this field is part of the compound primary key. No table-name The table(s) where this field should be mapped. Mapping an Entity Bean to Several Tables. No
Applicable on: Entity bean
Attribute Description Required ordering-number (0..n) The number where this field must appear in signatures and constructors. For this ordering to work, all cmr and cmp fields must have this attribute to a distinct numeric value. No exclude-from-value-object (True|False) If True, this field will not be generated in the value object. No group-names Comma-delimited names of the groups this field belongs to. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: Entity bean
Attribute Description Required value (CreateOnly|Disabled|DropAndCreate|DropAndCreateAlways|AlterOrCreate) No
Where: Class
Applicable on: All bean types
Attribute Description Required file-name The name of the client JAR to generate. If more than one EJB's have this tag, only one of the specified JAR files is included in the deployment descriptor. Yes
Where: Class
Applicable on: Session and entity beans
Attribute Description Required home Local class of the bean. No jndi-name The JNDI name of the reference. No link Link to the bean. No local Home class of the bean. No name Name of the reference. No type (Entity | Session) No
Where: Class
Applicable on: All bean types
Attribute Description Required home Remote class of the bean. No jndi-name The JNDI name of the reference. No link Link of the bean. No name Name of the reference. No remote Home class of the bean. No type (Entity|Session) No
Where: Class
Applicable on: Entity beans
Attribute Description Required ejb-name The name of this entity bean. Yes prim-key-class null Yes abstract-schema-name The abstract schema name for this EJB. If not specified, the ejb-name value will be used. No cache-between-transactions (True|False) Whether to cache the persistent data of an entity bean across (between) transactions. No check-exists-on-method (True|False) Whether the container checks for the existence of a bean for each method call. No concurrency-strategy (Optimistic|ReadOnly|Exclusive|Database) Defines the concurrency strategy for this bean. No data-source-name The name of the DataSource (as it was declared in your config.xml file). No database-type The type of the database.
db-is-shared (True|False) No default-transaction The transaction attribute to be applied to all methods that do not have a more specific transaction attribute setting. No delay-database-insert-until (ejbCreate|ejbPostCreate) No delay-updates-until-end-of-tx (True|False) Whether updates will be sent after the transaction has committed. No dispatch-policy The JMS dispatch policy queue for this bean No enable-call-by-reference (True|False) Whether the container will call this EJB by reference No enable-dynamic-queries (True|False) Whether dynamic queries are enabled. No finders-load-bean (True|False) If this is set to True, the beans will immediately be loaded into the cache by the finder. No home-call-router-class-name Class to be used for routing home method calls. No home-is-clusterable (True|False) Whether this bean can be deployed from multiple servers in a cluster. No home-load-algorithm (RoundRobin|Random|WeightBased) The algorithm to use for load-balancing between replicas of this home. No idle-timeout-seconds Maximum duration an EJB should stay in the cache. No invalidation-target The ejb-name of a read-only entity bean that should be invalidated when this container-managed persistence entity EJB has been modified. No max-beans-in-cache The maximum number of beans in the cache. No optimistic-column The column that holds the timestamp for optimistic concurrency No persistence-type (CMP|BMP) Whether this bean's persistence is container managed or bean-managed. No prim-key-class-nogen (True|False). If this keyword is specified, EJBGen does not generate the primary key class - it is assumed that you are providing it yourself. No read-timeout-seconds The number of seconds between each ejbLoad() call on a read-only entity bean. No reentrant (True|False) No run-as Specifies the role-name for this EJB. No run-as-identity-principal The name of the principal in case the role maps to several principals. No table-name The Java class of the primary key. In case of a compound primary key, this class is generated by EJBGen. No trans-timeout-seconds The transaction timeout, in seconds. No use-caller-identity (True|False) Whether this EJB uses caller's identity. No use-select-for-update (True|False) Causes SELECT ... FOR UPDATE to be used whenever the bean is loaded from the database. No validate-db-schema-with (MetaData|TableQuery) The method used to validate the tables created by the EJB container. No verify-columns (Read|Modified|Version|Timestamp) How optimistic concurrency verifies that the columns modified during the transactions have not been modified. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: Entity beans
Attribute Description Required cache-between-transactions (True|False) Whether to cache the persistent data of an entity bean across (between) transactions. No concurrency-strategy (Optimistic|ReadOnly|Exclusive|Database) Defines the concurrency strategy for this bean. No name The name of the cache. No estimated-bean-size The estimated average size of the instances of an entity bean in bytes. No
Applicable on: All bean types
Applicable on: All bean types
Attribute Description Required local-class (True|False) Whether to generate the local interface for this EJB. No local-home (True|False) Whether to generate the local home interface for this EJB. No pk-class (True|False) Whether to generate the primary key class for this EJB. No remote-class (True|False) Whether to generate the remote interface for this EJB. No remote-home (True|False) Whether to generate the remote home interface for this EJB. No value-class (True|False) Whether to generate the value class for this EJB. No
Where: Class Applicable on: Entity beans
Attribute Description Required caching-name The name of an eager relationship caching. No comment A comment that will be reproduced above the generated finder Java method. No ejb-ql The EJB QL request as it will appear in the deployment descriptor. No generate-on (Local|Remote) On which home this finder will be generated (if unspecified, both) No group-name Name of the group for the WebLogic query. No include-updates (True|False) Whether updates made during the current transaction must be reflected in the result of a query. No isolation-level The type of transaction isolation for this method. No max-elements The maximum number of elements that should be returned by a multi-valued query. No signature It must match exactly the signature as you want it generated on the Home class. EJBGen adds the conformant exceptions, but make sure that you specify the fully qualified type of each parameter, even if it belongs to java.lang. No sql-select-distinct (True|False) Whether the generated SQL 'SELECT' contains a 'DISTINCT' qualifier. No transaction-attribute (NotSupported|Supports|Required|RequiresNew|Mandatory|Never) The transaction attribute for this local method. If not specified, the default transaction attribute will be used. Methods with this tag will are generated on the Local class. No weblogic-ejb-ql The Weblogic EJB Query Language (QL) request as it will appear in the deployment descriptor. Note: if this request is needed, you need to enclose both EJB QL and Weblogic EJB QL within double quotes. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: Message-driven beans
Attribute Description Required provider-url The URL of the foreign JMS provider. Yes connection-factory-jndi-name The JNDI name for the connection factory. No initial-context-factory The initial JNDI context factory. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: All bean types
Attribute Description Required local The local JNDI name of this EJB. It not specified, no local interfaces is generated. No remote The remote JNDI name of this EJB. It not specified, no remote interfaces is generated. No
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity and Session beans
Attribute Description Required roles Comma-delimited list of roles that are allowed to invoke this method. No transaction-attribute The transaction attribute for this local method. If not specified, the default transaction attribute will be used. Methods with this tag are generated on the Local class. No
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity and Session beans
Attribute Description Required is-idempotent (True|False) Whether this method is idempotent. No isolation-level The type of transaction isolation for this method. No ordering-number (0..n) The number where this method must appear in the generated class. No roles Comma-delimited list of roles that are allowed to invoke this method. No transaction-attribute (NotSupported|Supports|Required|RequiresNew|Mandatory|Never) The transaction attribute for this local method. If not specified, the default transaction attribute will be used. Methods with this tag will be generated on the Local class. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: Message-Driven beans
Attribute Description Required destination-jndi-name The JNDI name of the destination. Yes destination-type (javax.jms.Queue|javax.jms.Topic)The JMS destination type. Yes ejb-name The name of this message-driven bean. Yes acknowledge-mode (auto-acknowledge|dups-ok-acknowledge) The acknowledgement mode. No default-transaction The transaction attribute to be applied to all methods that do not have a more specific transaction attribute setting. No durable (True|False) If the destination-type is Topic, setting this attribute to True will make the subscription durable. No enable-call-by-reference (True|False) Whether the container will call this EJB by reference No initial-beans-in-free-pool The initial number of beans in the free pool. No max-beans-in-free-pool The maximum number of beans in the free pool. No message-selector The JMS message selector. No run-as Specifies the role-name for this EJB. No run-as-identity-principal The name of the principal in case the role maps to several principals. No trans-timeout-seconds The transaction timeout (in seconds). No use-caller-identity (True|False) Whether this EJB uses caller's identity. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: All beans
Attribute Description Required isolation-level The isolation level for the methods specified in the pattern tag. Yes pattern The pattern that matches all methods that will receive this isolation level (for example, "*"). Yes
Where: Class
Applicable on: All beans
Attribute Description Required pattern The pattern that matches all methods that will receive this isolation level (for example, "*"). Yes roles Comma-delimited list of roles for the methods specified in the pattern tag. Yes interface (Home|Remote|LocalHome|Local) The interface where this permission pattern applies. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: Entity beans
Attribute Description Required multiplicity (One|Many) Yes name The name of the relationship. Make sure you use the same name on both ends of a relationship for the roles to be generated properly (note that this constraint applies to unidirectional as well). Yes cascade-delete (True|False) No cmr-field The cmr field where this relationship will be kept. This field is optional. If it not present, the relationship is unidirectional. If it is present, the attribute fk-column must be specified as well. No db-cascade-delete (True|False) Whether a cascade delete will use the built-in cascade delete facilities of the underlying DBMS. No fk-column Only needed in a relationship having at least one One side. In that case, the non-One side EJB must declare a column that it will use to store the primary key of its counterpart. No foreign-key-table The name of a DBMS table that contains a foreign-key. No joint-table Only needed in a many-to-many relationship. It must be the name of an existing table that will be used to hold the joint table containing the relationships. In case you are using a compound primary key, you need to specify a set of corresponding foreign keys separated by a comma. No primary-key-table The name of a DBMS table that contains a primary-key. No role-name The name of this role (such as ParentHasChildren). If no role name is given, EJBGen will generate one for you. Note that you have to specify a role-name if you are going to inherit relations. No target-ejb The EJB name of the target of this relationship. Yes
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity beans
Attribute Description Required caching-name The name of an eager relationship caching. Yes cmr-field A comma-delimited list of CMR field names. Yes group-name The name of the group to be loaded for the CMR field. No id An id that allows a child to use this element as a parent. No parent-id The parent id of this element. No
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity and Session beans
Attribute Description Required roles Comma-delimited list of roles that are allowed to invoke this method. No transaction-attribute The transaction attribute for this remote method. If not specified, the default transaction attribute will be used. Methods with this tag will be generated on the Remote class. No
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity and Session beans
Attribute Description Required is-idempotent (True|False) Whether this method is idempotent. No isolation-level The type of transaction isolation for this method. No ordering-number (0..n) The number where this method must appear in the generated class. No roles Comma-delimited list of roles that are allowed to invoke this method. No transaction-attribute (NotSupported|Supports|Required|RequiresNew|Mandatory|Never) The transaction attribute for this local method. If not specified, the default transaction attribute will be used. Methods with this tag will be generated on the Local class. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: All bean types
Where: Class
Applicable on: All bean types
Where: Class
Applicable on: All bean types
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity and session beans
Attribute Description Required role-name The name of the security role. Yes role-link A reference to a defined security role. No
Where: Method
Applicable on: Entity beans
Attribute Description Required caching-name The name of an eager relationship caching. No ejb-ql The EJB-QL defining this select method. The method name must start with ejbSelect. Yes group-name Name of the group for the query. No include-updates (True|False) Whether updates made during the current transaction must be reflected in the result of a query. No max-elements The maximum number of elements that should be returned by a multi-valued query. No ordering-number (0..n) The number where this method must appear in the generated class. No result-type-mapping (Remote|Local) Whether the returned objects are mapped to EJBLocalObject or EJBObject. No weblogic-ejb-ql The Weblogic EJB QL request as it will appear in the deployment descriptor. Note: If this request is needed, you need to enclose both EJB QL and Weblogic EJB QL within double quotes. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: Session beans
Attribute Description Required allow-concurrent-calls (True|False) Whether to allow concurrent calls on that EJB. No bean-load-algorithm The algorithm to use for load-balancing between replicas of this bean. No ejb-name The name of this session bean. Yes call-router-class-name Class name to be used for routing home method calls. No default-transaction The transaction attribute to be applied to all methods that do not have a more specific transaction attribute setting. No dispatch-policy The JMS dispatch policy queue for this bean No enable-call-by-reference (True|False) Whether the container will call this EJB by reference No home-call-router-class-name Class to be used for routing home method calls. No home-is-clusterable (True|False) Whether this bean can be deployed from multiple servers in a cluster. No home-load-algorithm (RoundRobin|Random|WeightBased) The algorithm to use for load-balancing between replicas of this home. No idle-timeout-seconds Maximum duration an EJB should stay in the cache. No initial-beans-in-free-pool The initial number of beans in the free pool. No is-clusterable (True|False) Whether this bean is clusterable No load-algorithm (RoundRobin|Random|WeightBased) The name of the algorithm used to balance replicas of this home No max-beans-in-cache The maximum number of beans in the cache. No max-beans-in-free-pool The maximum number of beans in the free pool. No methods-are-idempotent (True|False) Whether the methods for this stateless session bean are idempotent or not. No persistent-store-dir The directory in which to store the passivated beans. No replication-type (InMemory|None) How to replicate stateful session beans in a cluster. No run-as Specifies the role-name for this EJB. No run-as-identity-principal The name of the principal in case the role maps to several principals. No trans-timeout-seconds The transaction timeout, in seconds. No transaction-type (Bean|Container) Whether transactions for this EJB are bean- managed or container-managed. No type (Stateless | Stateful) The type of the session bean. If this attribute is not specified, EJBGen guesses the right type by looking at the ejbCreate() methods on your class. No use-caller-identity (True | False) Whether this EJB uses caller's identity. No
Where: Class
Applicable on: All bean types
Attribute Description Required reference (Local|Value) Specifies which objects the value object class should reference when accessing other EJB's. Yes
Controlling File Generation
By default, EJBGen generates the following files:
- Remote bean and home interfaces (if @ejbgen:jndi-name with "remote" was specified)
- Local bean and home interfaces (if @ejbgen:jndi-name with "local" was specified)
- Value object classes
- Primary key classes (if applicable)
You can selectively disable the generation of these files by using the @ejbgen:file-generation tag. This can be done on a per-bean basis. The following code sample suppresses value class generation: /** * @ejbgen:file-generation * value-class = False
Note: The -noValueClasses, -noRemoteInterfaces or -noLocalInterfaces, these command-line options override any tag found on the beans.
Javadoc Warnings with Uncompiled Value Type Classes
If an EJBGen class contains value types (e.g., parameter values, return values) that are Java classes that have not been compiled, then Javadoc will output what appear to be javac compilation errors, as in Figure 10-1 :Figure 10-1 Sample Javadoc output when value type classes are uncompiled
C:\toddk\dev\issues\cr100528\src\test\po\PurchaseOrderBean.java:29: cannot resolve symbol [javadoc] symbol : class PurchaseOrder [javadoc] location: class test.po.PurchaseOrderBean [javadoc] public boolean submitPO(PurchaseOrder po) throws SubmitException {[javadoc]
[javadoc] C:\toddk\dev\issues\cr100528\src\test\po\PurchaseOrderBean.java:29: cannot resolve symbol [javadoc] symbol : class SubmitException [javadoc] location: class test.po.PurchaseOrderBean [javadoc] public boolean submitPO(PurchaseOrder po) throws SubmitException {These are Javadoc warnings, not errors. Because the error messages resemble javac compiler errors, it is easy to interpret them incorrectly as errors. Javadoc returns with an exit status that indicates success; therefore the Ant EJBGen task does not cause the build to fail.
Mapping an Entity Bean to Several Tables
By default, entity beans are mapped to one table, with the attribute table-name on the tag @ejbgen:entity. If you want to map your entity bean to more than one table, you can use the table-name attribute on individual @ejbgen:cmp-fields. All the container-managed persistence fields that do not have a table-name attribute will use the table specified on @ejbgen:entity (which can therefore be considered as the "default" table).
If you want to map an entity bean to several tables, you need to specify a comma-separated list of tables in the table-name attribute (and also on a column). For example:
Make sure that the number of tables matches the number of columns, and that the columns exist in the corresponding table.
Property Files
EJBGen can gather information for generation from property files, as discussed in this section.
Use the -propertyFile option to tell EJBGen to parse a properties file. Figure 10-2 illustrates a sample property file.Figure 10-2 Sample EJBGen Property File
# property-file
remote-jndi-name = AccountUse the following syntax to invoke EJBGen with the -propertyFile option:
javadoc -docletpath ejbgen.jar -doclet EJBGen -propertyFile property-file AccountBean.javaEJBGen recognizes two kinds of variables in a properties file: user variables and predefined variables.
User Variables
EJBGen tags can use variables instead of strings. These variables must be enclosed with "${" and "}", as in Figure 10-3. Figure 10-3 User variables in place of strings
@ejbgen:jndi-nameremote = ${remote-jndi-name}Variables can be used anywhere after an EJBGen tag, so they can contain whole tag definitions, as in Figure 10-4. Figure 10-4 User variables as a whole tag definition
# property-file#
jndi-name -tag = remote = RemoteAccount local = LocalAccount
Predefined Variables
EJBGen recognizes a number of predefined variables. These variables are not supposed to be used in tags but EJBGen will use them at various places depending on their role. Here is the list of recognized variables:
- remote.baseClass
If specified, the value of this variable will be used as the base class for all generated remote classes. - home.baseClass
If specified, the value of this variable will be used as the base class for all generated remote home classes.- local.baseClass
If specified, the value of this variable will be used as the base class for all generated local classes. - localHome.baseClass
If specified, the value of this variable will be used as the base class for all generated local home classes. - value.baseClass
If specified, the value of this variable will be used as the base class for all generated value classes. - value.package
If specified, the value of this variable will be used as the package for all generated value classes. - value.interfaces
If specified, the value of this variable will be used as the interfaces the value class should implement. This variable can be a list of interfaces separated by commas. You can make these variables more specific by prefixing them with an EJBName. For example, consider the following property file:
## property-file#Account.home.baseClass = BaseAccountHomehome.baseClass = BaseHomevalue.package = valuecontainerManaged.value.package=valuePackageForContainerManaged
- All homes generated by EJBGen extend the class BaseHome except the home of EJB "Account", which extends BaseAccountHome.
Relationship Caching
You can specify relationship caching elements with the @ejbgen:relationship-caching tag. This XML element can be nested (recursive). In other words, you can specify a tree representing all the relationship elements that you want to see cached.
In order to support this tree structure, @ejbgen:relationship-caching has two attributes, id and parent-id. These attributes do not correspond to any XML, they simply allow you to specify your tree structure.
For example, if a caching-element A needs to have two children elements B and C, all you need to specify is an id for A (say "root0") and a parent-id for B and C equal to that name.
Figure 10-5 illustrates specifying relationship caching. Figure 10-5 Specifying relationship caching * @ejbgen:relationship-caching-element * caching-name = cacheMoreBeans * cmr-field = employee * group-name = emp-group * id = A * * @ejbgen:relationship-caching-element * caching-name = cacheMoreBeans * cmr-field = employee_ssn * group-name = emp-group * parent-id = A