iPlanet Authentication Provider-->Groups
Tasks Related Topics Attributes
Use this page to specify how groups are stored in the iPlanet LDAP directory.
Configuring an LDAP Authentication Provider
Related Topics
Introduction to WebLogic Security
Managing WebLogic Security
Securing WebLogic Resources
Programmimg WebLogic Security
Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server
Securing a Production Environment
The Security topics in the WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide
Security FAQ
The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation
Attribute Label
Value Constraints
Group Base DN
The base distinguished name (DN) of the tree in the LDAP directory that contains groups.MBean: weblogic.security.
IPlanetAuthenticatorMBeanAttribute: GroupBaseDN
Default: "ou=groups, o=example.com"
Group Search Scope
Specifies how deep in the LDAP directory tree to search for groups. Valid values are subtree and onelevel.MBean: weblogic.security.
IPlanetAuthenticatorMBeanAttribute: GroupSearchScope
Default: "subtree"
Group From Name Filter
An LDAP search filter for finding a group given the name of the group. If the attribute is not specified (that is, if the attribute is null or empty), a default search filter is created based on the group schema.MBean: weblogic.security.
IPlanetAuthenticatorMBeanAttribute: GroupFromNameFilter
Default: "(&(cn=%g)(objectclass=groupofuniquenames))"
All Groups Filter
An LDAP search filter for finding all groups beneath the base group distinguished name (DN). If the attribute is not specified (that is, if the attribute is null or empty), a default search filter is created based on the Group schema.MBean: weblogic.security.
IPlanetAuthenticatorMBeanAttribute: AllGroupsFilter
Static Group Object Class
The name of the LDAP object class that stores static groups.MBean: weblogic.security.
IPlanetAuthenticatorMBeanAttribute: StaticGroupObjectClass
Default: "groupofuniquenames"
Static Group Name Attribute
The attribute of a static LDAP group object that specifies the name of the group.MBean: weblogic.security.
IPlanetAuthenticatorMBeanAttribute: StaticGroupNameAttribute
Default: "cn"