Domain-->Compatibility Security-->General
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Use this page to configure an Auditing provider for the CompatibilityRealm and to disable the guest user for a WebLogic domain. This page applies to WebLogic Server deployments using Compatibility Security.
The Auditing provider installed from this page must be an implementation of the interface. This interface is deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server.
The guest user is automatically provided in Compatibility security. When authorization is not required, WebLogic Server assigns the guest identity to an client, thus giving the client access to any resources that are available to the guest user. A client can log in as the guest user by entering guest as the username and password when prompted by a Web browser or in a Java client. By default, the guest account is disabled. For a more secure deployment, BEA recommends running WebLogic Server with the guest account disabled.
Setting Up Compatibility Security: Main Steps
Related Topics
Introduction to WebLogic Security
Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server
Securing a Production Environment
The Security topics in the WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide
The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation