Security-->Credential Map

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Resource adapters defined by the J2EE Connector Architecture can acquire the credentials necessary to authenticate users defined in an Enterprise Information System (EIS) when they request access to a protected WebLogic resource. The container in WebLogic Server that hosts resource adapters can retrieve the appropriate set of credentials for the WebLogic resource using a credential map. A credential map creates an association between a user in WebLogic Server security realm and an identity (a username and password combination) used to authenticate that user in an EIS such as an Oracle database, a SQL server, or a SAP application.

This page allows you to specify the credential mappings needed for EIS users (referred to as remote users) to access WebLogic Server users to access a



Creating Credential Maps


Related Topics

Introduction to WebLogic Security

Managing WebLogic Security

Securing WebLogic Resources

Programmimg WebLogic Security

Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server

Securing a Production Environment

The Security topics in the WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide

Security FAQ

The Security page in the WebLogic Server documentation

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