Inflight JTA Transactions
The Inflight JTA Transactions table shows information about transactions currently being processed on this server. Click on a Transaction Id to see more details about the transaction and manually resolve the transaction. You can click column headings in the table to sort the information in the table. You can also click Customize this view to select the columns to display in the table.
- For information about manually resolving a transaction, see Manually Resolving Current (Inflight) Transactions.
- For information about configuring WebLogic JTA in the Administration Console, see Configuring JTA.
- To learn more about WebLogic JTA, see Programming WebLogic JTA.
Transaction Id - The transaction identifier assigned by the Transaction Manager. You can click a Transaction Id to see details about the transaction and manually resolve the transaction.
Name - The transaction name as specified in the application that created the transaction.
Status - The overall status of the transaction. For valid values, see Table 53-1.
Seconds Active - The number of seconds since the transaction was created.
Servers - A list of all servers that participate in the transaction.
Resources - A list of all resources that participate in the transaction. The list also includes the status for each resource.