Introducing Transactions


Overview of Transactions in WebLogic Server Applications

ACID Properties of Transactions
Supported Programming Model
Supported API Models
Distributed Transactions and the Two-Phase Commit Protocol
Support for Business Transactions


When to Use Transactions

When Not to Use Transactions

What Happens During a Transaction

Transactions in WebLogic Server EJB Applications
Container-managed Transactions
Bean-managed Transactions
Transactions in WebLogic Server RMI Applications


Transactions Sample Code

Transactions Sample EJB Code
Importing Packages
Using JNDI to Return an Object Reference
Starting a Transaction
Completing a Transaction
Transactions Sample RMI Code
Importing Packages
Using JNDI to Return an Object Reference to the UserTransaction Object
Starting a Transaction
Completing a Transaction


Configuring and Managing Transactions


Configuring Transactions

Monitoring Transactions



Transaction Service


About the Transaction Service

Capabilities and Limitations

Lightweight Clients with Delegated Commit
Client-initiated Transactions
Transaction Integrity
Transaction Termination
Flat Transactions
Relationship of the Transaction Service to Transaction Processing
Multithreaded Transaction Client Support
General Constraints


Transaction Scope

Transaction Service in EJB Applications

Transaction Service in RMI Applications


Java Transaction API and BEA WebLogic Extensions


JTA API Overview

BEA WebLogic Extensions to JTA


Transactions in EJB Applications


Before You Begin

General Guidelines

Transaction Attributes

About Transaction Attributes for EJBs
Transaction Attributes for Container-Managed Transactions
Transaction Attributes for Bean-Managed Transactions


Participating in a Transaction

Transaction Semantics

Transaction Semantics for Container-Managed Transactions
Transaction Semantics for Stateful Session Beans
Transaction Semantics for Stateless Session Beans
Transaction Semantics for Entity Beans
Transaction Semantics for Bean-Managed Transactions
Transaction Semantics for Stateful Session Beans
Transaction Semantics for Stateless Session Beans


Session Synchronization

Synchronization During Transactions

Setting Transaction Timeouts

Handling Exceptions in EJB Transactions


Transactions in RMI Applications


Before You Begin

General Guidelines


Using Third-Party JDBC XA Drivers with WebLogic Server


Overview of Third-Party XA Drivers

Table of Third-Party XA Drivers


Third-Party Driver Configuration and Performance Requirements

Using Oracle Thin/XA Driver
Software Requirements for the Oracle Thin/XA Driver
Known Oracle Thin Driver Issues
Set the Environment for the Oracle Thin/XA Driver
Oracle Thin/XA Driver Configuration Properties
Using the IBM DB2 Type 2 XA JDBC Driver
Set the Environment for the DB2 7.2/XA Driver
Limitation and Restrictions using DB2 as an XAResource
Using Sybase jConnect 5.5/XA Driver
Known Sybase jConnect 5.5/XA Issues
Set Up the Sybase Server for XA Support
Notes About XA and Sybase Adaptive Server
Connection Pools for the Sybase jConnect 5.5/XA Driver
Configuration Properties for Java Client
Other Third-Party XA Drivers


WebLogic Server XA Resource Provider Requirements



Registering with the Transaction Manager

XAResource Enlistment and Delistment

Static Enlistment and Delistment
Dynamic Enlistment and Delistment


Optional weblogic.transaction.XAResource Interface


Troubleshooting Transactions



Troubleshooting Tools

Transaction Identifier
Transaction Name and Properties
Transaction Status
Transaction Statistics
Transaction Monitoring and Logging

Glossary of Terms

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