IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Agent-based services > SNMP alerts
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Trap configuration XML specification
Use the SNMP, TrapDest, TrapAttrGroup, Situation, and StatTrap elements in SNMP XML files to configure traps for any agent type that you want to specify for the event receiver.
XML tags are case-insensitive. All other parameters are case-sensitive. For example, you can enter ADDRESS, Address, or address.
You can use the SNMP.xsd schema file, located in the samples/PrivateConfigSamples directory on the Agent DVD image, to validate SNMP trap configuration XML files. However, the schema file requires the XML tag names to be in uppercase.
- SNMP element
The SNMP element of the trap configuration XML specification is the top-level XML element. TrapDest, TrapAttrGroup, and Situation are elements within the SNMP begin and end tags.
- TrapDest element
Use TrapDest elements in a trap configuration XML file to define a trap receiver.
- TrapAttrGroup element
Use the TrapAttrGroup element in a trapcnfg.xml file to specify which attributes from an attribute group to include in situation event traps.
- Situation element
Use situation elements in a trap configuration XML file to define the trap sent for the situation.
- StatTrap
Use the StatTrap element in an SNMP trap configuration file to modify the default configuration of the predefined agent life cycle status traps.
- SNMP PassKey encryption: itmpwdsnmp
Use the itmpwdsnmp CLI command to interactively encrypt a password or add it to the SNMP trap configuration XML file to encrypt all SNMP passwords.
Parent topic:
SNMP alertsRelated reference:
UTF-8 encoded XML files
SNMP PassKey encryption: itmpwdsnmp