IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Agent-based services > SNMP alerts > Trap configuration XML specification

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

TrapAttrGroup element

Use the TrapAttrGroup element in a trapcnfg.xml file to specify which attributes from an attribute group to include in situation event traps.

In this syntax example, situations written for the Windows OS Paging File attribute group will send an SNMP trap with the server name, usage percentage and the usage peak values to the event receiver.

This element can be used to decrease the amount of attribute data sent in each trap request, reduce the possibility of trap fragmentation, and reduce the received data to include only what is relevant.

The TrapAttrGroup element sets the default attributes that will be sent for all situation that run against the Table. Individual situations can override the TrapAttrGroup settings by specifying a TrapAttrList attribute in the situation element.

If a TrapAttrGroup element is not defined for an attribute table, all attributes in the situation's data row are added to the sitAttributeList varbind of the traps sent for situations based on this attribute table. Attributes used in the situation predicate are added first and remaining attributes are added until the PDU maximum length of 1500 bytes is reached.

TrapAttrGroup element XML specification

Attribute Description
Table= Name of the attribute table. For manually creating this file, you can look in the agent's attribute file, kpc.atr to identify the table names, where pc is the two-character product code.
TrapAttrList= A comma delimited list of attributes to be included in the sitAttributeList varbind of the traps sent for situations based on this attribute table.

Parent topic:

Trap configuration XML specification


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