IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Agent-based services > SNMP alerts > Trap configuration XML specification
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
TrapDest element
Use TrapDest elements in a trap configuration XML file to define a trap receiver.
The TrapDest element requires the name and address attributes. Default values are used for any other attributes that are not specified.
<TrapDest name=”LABEL” Address=”HOSTNAME”/>
TrapDest element XML specification
Attribute Description Required Default SNMPv1/v2 or SNMPv3 Name= Alphanumeric label that is used to identify the Trap Destination. Required Address= Trap receiver's TCP/IP address or hostname. Required All IP= ip protocol: “4” | “6”
4 is IPv4; 6 is IPv6Optional "4" All Port= Trap receiver TCP/IP trap listening port. Optional "162" All BindAddress= Used to specify which local interface to use for SNMP traffic.The interface specified must match the IP setting. Required if the host has multiple network interfaces defined. Otherwise the trap send might fail with error number 22. First available All Version= Specify SNMP trap version. Valid string values are (case insensitive) : v1, v2, v3 Optional v1 All Type= Trap | Inform Type must match the Version. Version= “v1” | “v2” Type Must be “Trap”
Version= “3” Type Must be “Inform”Optional Matches version All Stat= Stat is used on a destination to send all status traps to that receiver when Stat="Y". Set Stat to "N" to disable all status alerts for the TrapDest. Also, set it to "N" if you want only a subset of Status alerts to be sent to the TrapDest. Individual Status Alerts can be sent to specific TrapDest using the StatTrap element. Optional "Y" All Community= Specify trap community name string. Should be encrypted using itmpwdsnmp, but clear-text is also allowed. (1-63 characters) Optional public v1 and v2 SecModel= Specify the security model. Only USM supported. Optional USM v3 SecLevel= Specify the Authentication and Privacy levels. The levels supported are:
noAuthNoPriv – no authentication and no privacy
authNoPriv – authentication no privacy
authPriv – authentication and privacy (not supported on z/OS monitoring agents)Required for v3. v3 User= Specify the account name Required for v3 v3 AuthType= Specify the authentication protocol. The protocols supported are: MD5 and SHA Required for v3 SecLevel= authNoPriv or authPriv v3 AuthPassKey= Specify the authentication password Should be encrypted using itmpwdsnmp, but clear-text is also allowed. (1-63 characters) Required for v3 SecLevel= authNoPriv or authPriv v3 PrivType= Specify the privacy protocol. The protocol supported are: DES Required for v3
SecLevel= authPrivv3 PrivPassKey= Specify the privacy password. Should be encrypted using itmpwdsnmp, but clear-text is also allowed. (1-63 characters) Required for v3
SecLevel= authPrivv3 Timeout= Specify the timeout (in seconds, integer) for the acknowledgement of SNMPv3 message (minimum 1) Optional 2 v3 Retries= Specify the number of retransmissions when a timeout occurs (min 0, max 5) Optional 3 v3
Parent topic:
Trap configuration XML specificationRelated reference:
SNMP PassKey encryption: itmpwdsnmp