Add a transaction to a test



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A transaction is a specific group of test elements whose performance you are interested in. When viewing the test results, you can view performance data about any transactions that you have added.

Put a group of test elements into a transaction

  1. Double-click a test

  2. In the test, select the test elements to group together. Use Shift+click to select multiple contiguous elements; use Control+click to select multiple noncontiguous elements.

  3. Click either...

    Add Place the transaction after the selected element
    Insert Place the transaction immediately before the selected element or block

    ...and then click Transaction.

  4. You are prompted whether to move the selected objects into the transaction. Click Yes or No.

  5. Optional: In the transaction details, you can give the transaction a meaningful name. This is useful in the Transactions report, which lists transactions by name.

Related tasks

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  2. Add conditional logic
  3. Synchronize users in tests
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