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SAP test generation preferences

Test generation preferences control how SAP tests are generated, such as how tests will process verification points, data correlation, and the default settings for generated test elements.

To access the SAP Test Generation preferences, click Window > Preferences, expand Test, expand Performance Test Generation, and click SAP Test Generation. After changing a setting, click Apply.

Screen capture options

These settings specify how the test recorder handles the screen captures that are shown in the SAP Protocol Data view.


No screen captures are recorded. This saves disk, but disables the ability to create events or verification points from the SAP Protocol Data view.

On SAP screen entry

Screen captures are recorded each time a new screen is displayed in the SAP GUI. The recorded screen capture shows the initial state of the screen, before user input. This option is enabled by default.

On SAP screen exit

Screen captures are recorded each time a request is sent to the SAP R/3 server. The recorded screen capture shows the final state of the screen, after user input.


Screen captures are recorded when a new screen is displayed in the SAP GUI and when the request is sent to the SAP R/3 server. The SAP Data Protocol view displays the final state on the send request elements and the initial state on all other events.

Automatic Generation

These settings specify test elements that are automatically generated after recording the test.

Display SAP GUI on execution

During test execution, it might not be desirable to display the SAP GUI. Hiding the SAP GUI improves the performance of the virtual users. This setting specifies the default behavior when the test is generated. However, you can change this setting in the test editor by selecting the SAP test element.


When selected, all instances of the SAP GUI are hidden. In some cases, modal dialog boxes from the SAP GUI can flash briefly on the screen. This is the default setting.


When selected, the SAP GUI is displayed for all virtual users.

Show only first virtual user

When selected, the SAP GUI is displayed only for the first virtual user. All other instances of the SAP GUI are hidden. This allows you to monitor the execution.

Use connection by string

When enabled, tests are generated with the connection by string launch method instead of using the SAP Logon program. This option is enabled by default.

Verification points for SAP screen titles

When enabled, this option generates verification points on screen titles with each SAP screen. This option is disabled by default.

Verification points for SAP request response time threshold

When enabled, this option generates verification points on the response time of the SAP R/3 server. If the server response time is above the specified threshold, the test produces a failed verification point. This option is disabled by default.

Calculate threshold from recorded (%)

This specifes the default response time threshold that is calculated when response time verification points are generated. The threshold value is calculated as a percentage of the actual response time that was measured during the recording. By default, the response time threshold is generated with a value of 120% of the recorded response time.

Password prompt

Specifies behavior of the password request.

Prompt me for password when generating test

When enabled, a password is requested at the end of the recording session. If disabled, the password is recorded with an empty string. The recorder cannot record the password during the test. Therefore, if this option is disabled, the test uses an empty string for the password.

Related tasks

  • Change SAP test generation preferences