SAP Performance report
The SAP Performance report summarizes the health of the run, displays the data most significant to the run, shows the response trend of the slowest 10 transactions in the test, and graphs the response trend of each transaction for a specified interval.
Summary page
The Summary page summarizes the most important data about the test run, so that you can analyze the final or intermediate results of a test at a glance.The SAP Summary section displays the following information:
- A progress indicator that shows the state of the run.
- The number of virtual users that are active and the number of virtual users that have completed testing. This number is updated during the run.
- The elapsed time. This figure is the run duration, which is displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds.
- The location and name of the test suite or schedule.
- Results for computer, All Hosts.
To see summary results for individual computers, click the computer name in the Performance Test Runs view.
- The status of the run. This can be Initializing Computers, Adding Users, Running, Performing Execution History Data Transfer, Stopped, or Complete.
- The total number of virtual users that are simulated during the test.
The Transaction Summary section displays the following information:
- The minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation execution time for all transactions. Execution time is the sum of response times for all screens of a transaction (including the connect time and inter-request delays).
- The total number of transactions that were completed and started.
The Screen Summary section displays the following information:
- The minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation screen request response times for all SAP screens. Response time is the time between the first request character that is sent and the last response character that is received.
- The total number of SAP screens that were completed and started.
- Percent of verification points that passed.
- Total verification points that failed.
- Total verification point errors.
- Total verification points that passed.
- Total verification points that are inconclusive.
The Element Summary section displays the following information:
- The total number of SAP set, SAP get, and SAP call elements that were attempted.
- The total number of SAP set, SAP get, and SAP call elements that were completed.
- The percentage of completion of all SAP set, SAP get, and SAP call elements.
Screen Performance page
The Screen Performance page shows the average response time of the longest SAP screen requests in the test as the test progresses. With this information, you can evaluate system response during and after the test.If you select Do not measure performance on this screen on a SAP screen in the test editor, then the report does not include the response time results for that screen.
The bar chart shows the average response time of the 10 slowest transactions. Each bar represents a page that you visited during recording. As you run the test, the bar chart changes, because the 10 slowest screens are updated dynamically during the run.
For example, the SAP Easy Access screen might be one of the 10 slowest pages at the start of the run, but then, as the test progresses, Display Material (Initial Screen) might replace it as one of the 10 slowest. After the run, the page shows the 10 slowest transactions for the entire run. The Performance Summary table that follows the bar chart provides the following additional information for each SAP screen:
- The minimum response time for each SAP screen in the run. Response time is the time between the first request character that is sent and the last response character that is received.
- The average response time for each SAP screen in the run. This matches the information in the chart.
- The maximum response time for each SAP screen in the run.
- The standard deviation response time for each SAP screen in the run.
- The rate per second at which each SAP screens is started.
- The total number of times each SAP screen is started.
Response vs. Time Summary page
The Response vs. Time Summary page shows the average response trend as graphed for a specified interval. The line graph shows the average response time for all SAP screens during the run. Each point on the graph is an average of what has occurred during that interval. You set the Statistics sample interval in the schedule, as a schedule property.
The table that follows the graph displays the average and standard deviation response time for all SAP screens during the run.
Response vs. Time Detail page
The Response vs. Time Detail page shows the response trend by screen as graphed for a specified interval. Each separate line represents a SAP screen. You set the Statistics sample interval in the schedule, as a schedule property.The line graph shows the average response of each page during a specified interval. The table that follows the graph provides the following additional information for each SAP screen:
- The minimum SAP screen request response time for the run. This is the time between the moment the input is validated in the SAP GUI and the time the resulting SAP screen is displayed.
- The average SAP screen request response time for the run. This is similar to the graph, but the information in the table is for the duration of the entire run.
- The maximum SAP screen request response time for the run.
- The standard deviation for SAP screen request response time for the run.
- The rate per second at which each SAP screen is started for the most recent interval.
- The total number of times each SAP screen is started for the most recent interval.
Screen Throughput page
The Screen Throughput page provides an overview of the frequency of requests that are being transferred per interval.
- The line graph on the left shows two lines that represent the rate for intervals at which SAP screens are started and the rate at which SAP screens are completed. The summary table under the graph lists the start rates and the completed rates and counts for each SAP screen in the run.
- The line graph on the right shows active users and users that have completed testing, over the course of a run. The summary table under the graph lists the results for the most recent sample interval. You set the Statistics sample interval in the schedule, as a schedule property.
Server Health page
The Server Health Summary page shows an overall indication of how well the server is responding to the load.
The bar chart on the left represents the total number of SAP screens started. The bar chart on the right represents the percentage of SAP screens completed compared to the SAP screens started on each interval. The percentage can be over 100% if more screens were completed than started on a given interval.
The table that follows the charts lists the same information for each SAP screen.
Batch Input Transaction page
The Batch Input Transaction page shows the number of batch input tests that were run during the test.
Related reference
SAP Verification Points report