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Add an SAP set, SAP get, or SAP call element

You can use SAP set, SAP get, or SAP call elements in performance tests to add items such as a field selection, a keyboard entry, a get element for reference use, or any advanced interaction with the SAP client GUI.

SAP set elements represent user interactions with the SAP GUI, such as entering a value into a field. SAP set elements are contained in SAP screen elements. SAP screen elements can be windows, dialog boxes or transaction screens that are part of a recorded transaction.

SAP get elements enable you to retrieve information from the SAP GUI, such as field values. SAP get elements are contained in SAP screen elements. The primary use of an SAP get element is to create a reference field or a verification point in the test. An SAP verification point is actually an SAP get element with a verification point enabled.

SAP call elements represent all the various user interactions that are neither an SAP set or an SAP get element.

For example, selecting an object, scrolling, or pressing the Enter key generates an SAP call.

You can use either the test editor or the SAP Protocol Data view to create or edit SAP set, get, or call elements. When using the SAP Protocol Data view, you can select SAP screen objects from the screen capture and copy the information directly to the new SAP set, get, or call element. Using the SAP Protocol Data view to create or edit an SAP event is much easier than adding an event manually from the test editor. The SAP Protocol Data view contains two pages that are synchronized with each other and with the test editor:

To add an SAP set, get, or call element, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the test in the test editor and the SAP Protocol Data view. If the SAP Protocol Data view is not open, click Window > Show View > Other > Test > SAP Protocol Data

  2. In the Test Contents area of the test editor, expand a transaction and an SAP screen. The SAP Protocol Data view displays a screen capture of the selected transaction.

  3. Inside the transaction, select the item for which to enter a new value. The Screen Capture page of the SAP Protocol Data view displays the screen capture of the SAP GUI with the corresponding GUI object highlighted.

  4. In the SAP Protocol Data view, right-click the GUI object for which to create the SAP set, get, or call element, and then click Create Element. This opens the window, which already contains the Identifier from the recorded session.

  5. In the Create Element window, specify the type of SAP element to create. Enter the value that you want to add, and then do one of the following procedures, depending on testing objectives:

    • To create a simple SAP set element, select Set text, and then type the text value to input into the SAP GUI.

    • To create an SAP get or an SAP call element, select Advanced, and then select SAP Set, or SAP Call in the Element type list. Use a SAP set to input a value into the SAP GUI client. Use a SAP call to call a method for advanced interaction with the SAP GUI. Specify the property to get or the method of the call. Refer to SAP documentation for information about SAP call methods and properties. SAP call elements are created with default values that you can change in the test editor. You can use SAP call methods to define a verification point or for data correlation.

    • To create a non-text SAP set element, select Advanced, and then select SAP Set in the Element type list. Specify the property to set and enter a value if that property requires one.

  6. Click Finish.

What to do next

After creating elements, you can use the test editor to change values. You can also replace values with a datapool variable or a reference.

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  • Add an SAP sequence element
  • Add a batch input transaction