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Remove the virtualizer from WebSphere Application Server


To collect profiling data not supported by the data collection infrastructure, remove the virtualizer from the server.

Remove the virtualizer from WAS

  1. Go to...

      cd WAS_HOME/config/cells/cell_name/nodes/node_name/servers/server_name

  2. Back up server.xml...

  3. Open the file server.xml for editing.

  4. Search for the string beginning with -Xrunvirt.

  5. To run the TPTP piAgent, remove the agent=jvmpi portion of the configuration string, and replace the virt portion of the string with piAgent and the remaining part of the string.

    For example, if the string is:


    ...replace it with...


    To run the Tivoli jiti instrumenter remove the agent=piAgent portion of the string, and replace the virt portion of the string with jvmpi and the remaning part of the string.

    For example, if the string is:


    ...replace it with...


  6. Save the server.xml file, and then restart the server.

What to do next

You can now collect other types of profiling data.

To use the performance and problem analysis tools to collect Java EE performance analysis or memory analysis data again, restore the backed up copy of the server.xml file. You must also restore the backed up copy of the server.xml file before removing instrumentation from the server.