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Citrix Performance report

The Citrix performance report summarizes the validity of the run, summarizes the data most significant to the run, shows the response trend of the slowest 10 windows in the test, the server health depending on requests, and graphs the response trend of each window for a specified interval.

Citrix Overall page

The Overall page provides the following information:

Performance Summary page

The Summary page summarizes the most important data about the test run, so that you can analyze the final or intermediate results of a test at a glance.The Run Summary table displays the following information:

The Citrix Summary section displays the following information:

Response Time Results page

The Response Time Results page shows the average response of the window events in the test as the test progresses. With this information, you can evaluate system response during and after the test. Response times are determined by measurements that are located under the tests. Response time measurements can be automatically generated between the last input action before a window create event and the window create event.

The bar chart shows the average response time of each window event. Each bar represents a window that was created during the test. As you run the test, the bar chart changes, because the window response times are updated dynamically during the run. The table under the bar chart provides the following additional information for each window:

Response vs. Time Summary page

The Response vs. Time Summary page shows the average response trend as graphed for a specified interval. You set the Statistics sample interval value in the schedule, as a schedule property. Response times are determined by measurements that are located under the tests. Response time measurements can be automatically generated between the last input action before a window create event and the window create event.

The line graph shows the average response time for all measurements during the run. Each point on the graph is an average of what has occurred during that interval. The table under the graph lists one number: the total average response time for all measurements in the run.

Response vs. Time Details page

The Response vs. Time Details page shows the response trend as graphed for a specified interval. You set the Statistics sample interval value in the schedule, as a schedule property. Response times are determined by measurements that are located under the tests. Response time measurements can be automatically generated between the last input action before a window create event and the window create event.

The line graph shows the average response time of each measurement for a specified interval. Each measurement is represented by a separate line. The table under the graph provides the following additional information for each response time measurement:

User Action Throughput page

The User Action Throughput page provides an overview of the frequency of requests being transferred per interval. You set the Statistics sample interval value in the schedule, as a schedule property.

Server Health Summary page

The Server Health Summary page provides an overall indication of how well the server has performed. The graph does not display values that equal zero. The bar chart shows the following information:

Server Timeout page

The Server Timeout page shows when the synchronization timeouts and server errors occurred during the run. The graph does not display values that equal zero. The line graph shows the following information:

Resources page

The Resources page shows all resource counters monitored during the schedule run.

Related reference

  • Citrix Verification Points report